Build an API with Laravel 5.7

Connor Leech
Published in
7 min readDec 7, 2018


We’re hosting the Decemeber 2018 Laravel SF meetup at Stitch Labs. These are some show notes about installing Laravel and setting up an API.

If you’re new to Laravel, check out the Getting Started docs

Source code for this application.

Jump ahead: adding JWT auth

Laravel logo

1. Create a new Laravel app

$ composer update
$ composer global require laravel/installer
$ laravel new december-2018-meetup
$ cd december-2018-meetup

2. Hook up the database

For this application we’re going to use SQLite. All that’s required to run SQLite locally is a blank file sitting in the database folder.

$ touch database/database.sqlite

Now that we’ve created the raw database file, edit the .env file use sqlite. Delete the other database connection info and replace it:


The .env file is not checked into version control and holds database connection info and API keys.

3. Create a database model, table and controller



Connor Leech

Girl Dad x 2. Cofounder @Employbl. Software Engineer @CommentSold.