Multiple APK Support Allows Android App Developers

2 min readJun 14, 2019


This is very good news for Android app developers as it will allow these phones offer apps on a wider array of the business’s hardware. This new change is one of Google’s major efforts to tackle the problems which have been familiar with fragmentation. Multiple versions of the app can now be combined into one Android Market listing. The prior rule only allowed for just one APK per product listing. The main benefit to uploading multiple versions of the APK are that every version can address another niche of one’s customers. The several versions share the same package name, but contain coding that targets different versions entirely on the Android platform, various screen sizes and GL texture-compression formats. The best APK is delivered to the client, depending on the signatures and characteristics with the users device.

Initial reports on this new market device detection surfaced last week online version of Google’s Android Market. Users just go to the net browser and register, then pick the app to merely install. This method then checks the compatibility of the selected app and the hardware that is certainly per the settings in the user. Approved apps will then obtain a green message which says “this app is compatible with your device” or a yellow message that says “this app is incompatible using your device.”
Now Android app developers may have the ability of providing bonus versions which are compatible and inside the same offering, instead of cluttering up the marketplace with multiple listings that end up confusing an individual. Multiple APK support gives the developer more selections for controlling their app distribution. Perhaps most obviously, a developer can make a separate APK for smartphones and tablets under this same listing. Benefiting from new API’s or hardware capabilities without drastically effecting your client base ought to be viewed as a major profit to giving the Android Market a shot for app developers.
Microsoft xbox not been to start dating set for the production in the new-look Android Market app, but leaked versions have already been arriving online for download and installation. Google did announce offers to unveil a totally new Android Market app that permits for customers to buy books or rent movies using their tablets, smartphones and devices. Android Market adjusted by way of a new overhaul that’s embodies a greater portion of a Windows Phone 7 “Metro UI” look, rather than the previous Green and White motif.
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