Hello world! I'm an avid podcast enthusiast and a firm believer in the power of positive news. As a hobby, I enjoy summarizing podcasts and uplifting news articles on medium.com to help others stay informed and inspired, even when they're short on time.

With a strong foundation in research and writing, I have honed my ability to break down complex information into engaging, easy-to-read content. I'm passionate about sharing the brighter side of life to spread hope, encourage positive change, and promote efficiency in consuming valuable content.

When I'm not summarizing podcasts or news articles, you can find me diving into science-fiction and fantasy books, building (simple) web apps and spending time with my wife and son. My ultimate goal is to make a meaningful impact on my audience and the world by sharing my passion for learning and efficiency.

Follow my Medium profile for insightful podcast summaries and heartwarming news stories that will not only brighten your day but also make your information consumption process more efficient.

Medium member since January 2024
Connect with Connor Pelby
Connor Pelby

Connor Pelby

Avid podcast enthusiast and a firm believer in the power of positive news. Sharing my passion for learning and efficiency.