A Whale of a Tale: The Fisherman Swallowed and Spit Out by a Humpback Whale

An Unexpected Encounter

3 min readJun 12, 2024

In June 2023, seasoned lobster diver Michael Packard had an extraordinary and terrifying experience off the coast of Provincetown, Massachusetts. What started as a routine dive quickly turned into a life-threatening situation when he found himself swallowed by a humpback whale. This incident, which sounds like something out of a maritime myth, has captivated people around the world.

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A Dive into Darkness

Packard was diving about 45 feet below the surface, searching for lobsters on the ocean floor, when he suddenly felt a massive shove and everything went dark. “I felt this huge bump, and then it was completely black,” he recounted. Initially, Packard feared he had been attacked by a great white shark, common in the area, but he soon realized there were no sharp teeth injuring him. It dawned on him that he was inside the mouth of a whale. “I thought to myself, ‘Oh my God, I’m in a whale’s mouth and he’s trying to swallow me.’ I was sure I was going to die.”

The Battle for Survival

Trapped in the whale’s mouth for what felt like an eternity, Packard’s thoughts turned to his family. “I thought about my wife and kids, and how much I wanted to see them again,” he said. Despite the chaos, he was able to breathe, thanks to his scuba gear. He could feel the whale’s powerful muscles contracting around him. “It was happening so fast, my only thought was how to get out of that mouth,” he explained. “But I realized, there was no way I could overcome a creature of that size. He was going to decide what happened next.”

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The Whale Spits Him Out

Fortunately for Packard, the whale did not enjoy having him as an unexpected guest. After about 30 to 40 seconds, the whale surfaced, shaking its head vigorously and expelling Packard into the water. Josiah Mayo, Packard’s crewmate on the boat, witnessed the whale breach and eject Packard. Mayo quickly pulled him back on board and radioed for help. An ambulance met them at Provincetown Pier and transported Packard to Cape Cod Hospital. Remarkably, he sustained only minor injuries, including some bruises and soft tissue damage.

Expert Insights

Marine biologists were astonished by Packard’s story. Jooke Robbins, director of Humpback Whale Studies at the Center for Coastal Studies in Provincetown, believes the incident was purely accidental. Humpback whales feed by opening their mouths wide and engulfing large amounts of water and food, which can obstruct their vision. “This likely led to Packard’s entrapment,” she explained. Robbins emphasized that such incidents are extremely rare and that humpback whales are not known to be aggressive towards humans.

A Tale for the Ages

Packard’s incredible story has captured global attention, making headlines and becoming a topic of fascination and discussion. His ordeal underscores the unpredictability of nature and the awe-inspiring power of marine life. Reflecting on his harrowing experience, Packard expressed profound gratitude for his survival. “I can’t believe I came out of that situation alive,” he said. “It’s a story I’ll be telling for the rest of my life.”

This tale of survival is a stark reminder of the ocean’s vast mysteries and the extraordinary experiences it can hold. Packard’s encounter with the whale, while terrifying, also serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the wonders of the natural world.

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