New Aged Care Quality Standards: a summary.

2 min readJul 25, 2019


On 1 July 2019, the new Aged Care Quality Standards came into effect and the Royal Commission have started monitoring and assessing the quality of care and services being delivered by care providers.

The hearings are ongoing and the amount of information may be overwhelming. As a quick refresher, we have summarised each quality standard in one brief sentence each.

The Royal Commission Aged Care Quality Standards

Standard 1: Consumer Dignity and Choice- Organisations must demonstrate a culture of inclusion and respect; treating consumers with dignity, helping them maintain their identity, and supporting them to exercise choice and independence.

Standard 2: Ongoing Assessment and Planning with Consumers- The organisation works with consumers through ongoing assessment and planning; focusing on optimising health and well-being in accordance with the consumer’s needs, goals and preferences.

Standard 3: Personal Care and Clinical Care- The organisation delivers safe and effective personal and clinical care which are tailored for their consumer’s current needs, goals and preferences to optimise their health and well-being.

Standard 4: Services and Supports for Daily Living- The organisation provides safe and effective services and supports for consumers’ daily living that optimises the consumers’ independence, health, well-being and quality of life.

Standard 5: Organisation’s Service Environment- The organisation’s service environment is welcoming, comfortable, safe, clean and well maintained so that it promotes consumers’ independence, function, sense of belonging, and enjoyment.

Standard 6: Feedback and Complaints- The organisation encourages consumers, carers, the workforce and others to offer input and feedback, and continue to partner with these parties to take appropriate action in improving their services for consumers and the whole organisation.

Standard 7: Human Resources- The organisation maintains a sufficient, skilled and qualified workforce who provide safe, respectful and quality care and services to consumers.

Standard 8: Organisational Governance- The organisation’s governing body is accountable for the delivery of safe and quality care and services and frequently partner with consumers and carers to improve the quality and delivery of care and services.

The new standards are a great reason to celebrate a framework for higher quality care for all older Australians. Conpago is passionate about person-centred care, which is why we have developed an innovative platform that helps care providers to meet and exceed the standards while building thriving care communities in which our seniors are healthy, active and connected.

Head to Conpago’s website to learn more about how our innovative platform can help your organisation meet all the standards!

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