Instant online freight quote generation- How it can boost the businesses of freight forwarders

1 min readMay 3, 2024

Logistics firms recognize the imperative of investing in digitization and technology. Such investments not only facilitate adaptation to customer demands but also optimize operations and boost profitability. Nevertheless, for numerous companies, this transition poses significant challenges. Implementing technology necessitates adjustments to annual budgets and staff training. Hence, it’s crucial to align with the best logistics networks that offer comprehensive digital strategies for forward-thinking freight forwarders. Conqueror Freight Network, for instance, prioritizes equipping its members with the necessary tools to excel in the digital transformation process, enabling the generation of instant online freight quote to facilitating their success.

The primary digital strategy embraced by Conqueror is the advancement of their cutting-edge online freight quote generation software, FreightViewer. Designed specifically to aid network members in their digitization efforts, this member-exclusive tool offers a range of benefits. From streamlining the sales process to boosting visibility and elevating customer service standards, FreightViewer empowers users with automation capabilities. Moreover, it furnishes members with a standardized platform for sending online freight quote instantly, sharing documents, and even exchanging rates with non-member entities.




Conqueror Freight Network is an association of carefully selected independent freight forwarders