5 Must See Things At North Carolina Museum Of Modern Art

4 min readJun 15, 2024


5 Must See Things At North Carolina Museum Of Modern Art

Welcome to the vibrant world of modern art at the North Carolina Museum Of Modern Art (NCMOMA). Nestled in the heart of Raleigh, NCMOMA stands as a beacon of creativity and innovation. Whether you’re a seasoned art aficionado or simply curious, this museum promises a journey through contemporary art like no other.

The Blue Sky Gallery

One of the highlights of NCMOMA is The Blue Sky Gallery, a dedicated space showcasing rotating exhibitions of photography. From documentary to experimental photography, this gallery captures moments frozen in time, each telling a unique story. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness the world through the lenses of both emerging and established photographers.

Sculpture Garden

Step into a serene oasis at the Sculpture Garden, where art merges seamlessly with nature. Explore a diverse collection of contemporary sculptures nestled amidst lush greenery. Whether you’re strolling solo or with loved ones, the garden offers a tranquil escape and a chance to appreciate art in an open-air setting.

The Modernist Café

After immersing yourself in art, recharge at The Modernist Café, an integral part of the museum experience. With its sleek décor and eclectic menu, the café offers a delightful fusion of art and gastronomy. Indulge in artisanal coffees, savory bites, and delectable desserts crafted to satisfy both the palate and the senses.

Interactive Art Installations

Engage your senses with interactive art installations scattered throughout NCMOMA. These immersive exhibits encourage participation and provoke thought, blurring the lines between artist and observer. Experience art that transcends traditional boundaries and invites you to become an integral part of the creative process.

Permanent Collection Highlights

Delve into the museum’s permanent collection, a treasure trove of modern and contemporary art spanning various genres and movements. From abstract expressionism to avant-garde installations, each artwork offers a glimpse into the evolution of artistic expression. Discover iconic pieces by renowned artists and uncover hidden gems that resonate with your aesthetic sensibilities.

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” — Thomas Merton

Plan Your Visit

Ready to explore the North Carolina Museum Of Modern Art? Plan your visit today and immerse yourself in a world of creativity and inspiration. Whether you’re a local resident or visiting from afar, NCMOMA promises a memorable experience for art enthusiasts of all ages.

Explore More:


Visiting the North Carolina Museum Of Modern Art is not just about seeing art; it’s about experiencing creativity in its purest form. Each exhibit, gallery, and installation offers a unique perspective and a chance to connect with the artistic community. Whether you’re drawn to photography, sculptures, or interactive art, NCMOMA invites you to explore, engage, and appreciate the power of modern art.

Key Takeaways

  • NCMOMA showcases a diverse range of contemporary art forms.
  • The museum’s Sculpture Garden provides a tranquil outdoor art experience.
  • The Modernist Café offers a blend of culinary delights and artistic ambiance.
  • Interactive art installations encourage visitor participation and reflection.
  • Explore the museum’s permanent collection to discover iconic artworks.


Q: Can I purchase tickets online for NCMOMA?
A: Yes, you can buy tickets on the museum’s official website or through various online platforms.

Q: Is photography allowed inside the museum?
A: Photography is permitted in certain areas; however, flash photography and tripod use may be restricted.

Q: What are the museum’s operating hours?
A: NCMOMA is typically open from 10 AM to 5 PM, Tuesday through Sunday, with extended hours on certain days.

