What’s the Tea? 2.1

Chaun Hunter
2 min readFeb 1, 2024

“What’s the Tea?” is intuitively channeled messages from my tea.

One who brings happiness to others will find it.

It is what it is trust me you get what you give” is what I heard.

Channeled song: Blessings — Big Sean

You get back what you put out into the world, the universe, others, etc. So why not choose to put out good? I heard the quote “you get more bees with honey than with vinegar”. Having a good understanding of the Law of Cause & Effect helps to put a lot into perspective. What do you want to experience in your life? Put that energy out into the world, into the universe, into others. Would you prefer sweetness (honey) or bitterness (vinegar)? You decide.

Many paths lead to the same destination; it doesn’t matter how you get there.

“There’s more than one way to skin a cat” is what I heard. Who came up with that anyway and why were they trying to skin cats? Cats ain’t never did nothing to nobody. Poor cat. Anywho, the point of this is to say whatever your destination, you will get there. Just like 2+2=4, so does 3+1. Just like 5+5=10, so does 7+3. No matter which way you go, you’ll get to wherever you’re destined to be. I heard “destined nation”. So whomever this message is for may be a part of a destined nation.

© 2024 Conscious Chaun LLC



Chaun Hunter

I like to write. I'm here to do what I'm here to do. Isaiah 61:1