Day 112 / 112

2 min readSep 18, 2018


liner notes:

  • Professional: Had another demo. I think it went really well. Looks like the client may be thinking about including it into a bigger overall project. The best part of the demo was that I didn’t have to say anything! haha I just had to click around the screen as the presenters spoke. The client has already seen the front end I worked on, it was more about showcasing the backend. For the rest of the day, I reviewed what I went to Atlanta for and researched some other technologies.
  • Personal: After work, I went to the FrontEnd Orlando x Codepen meetup. Had a presentation about Finite State Machines. Pretty interesting stuff. A new way for me to think about state in my projects. Towards the end of the night, people gave lightning talks. I got to show my Twitter bot. People told me afterwards they liked it and had some good questions. Got to talk and catch up with some people. Had a really good time.

Going into the office again today. A co-worker is doing a project and I’m going to try and see if I can help them. More review of the stuff from Atlanta. We have a tech call presentation to do for next month, so I may start looking into possibilities we can do. We’ll see.

Getting ready to head out.

Have a great day!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /




the Black MacGyver | @OURshow (Sat 5-7pm WPRK 91.5fm) resident fan | all day. err day. | recent The Iron Yard coding bootcamp graduate