eBay Consignment is DEAD. Try this instead! — eBay Store & Valet Alternative

3 min readDec 1, 2020


eBay Store

So you want to have someone sell your stuff for you because you don’t want to deal with it. You’re probably looking for eBay sellers or companies that sell your stuff for you. Well I have bad news and good news for you. The bad news: eBay Consignment is dead. The good news: There’s a better solution that is getting very popular and picking up steam, it’s called Flyp, and you should check it out. I explain in detail below.

The fall of eBay Consignment and the rise of Flyp.

We all love that scene from the 40-year old virgin movie, a store that reads “We sell your stuff on eBay”. The concept is simple and sounds great, you find an eBay consignment seller near you, you drop off your stuff there, and you kindly tell them “Please sell my stuff for me”. Boom, you do nothing, they do all the selling, you earn. And indeed, I remember a time when eBay consignment sellers near me were popping up everywhere, but, it was short lived. I couldn’t find a single eBay store near me in 2020.

eBay tried to make up for this crash by launching eBay Valet, a service that was shut down pretty quick due to eBay’s plummeting interest in helping people sell their stuff, they’re focused on competing with Amazon now.

“But I still want someone to sell my stuff for me!” → Try Flyp

Fret not! Even with eBay consignment stores gone, and with eBay valet shut down, you have one solid option: Flyp. I have been personally using it for months, it’s an app that allows me to partner with eBay consignment sellers near me or nation wide (I can ship my stuff to them!). The process is very simple, I take one photo of my stuff, partner with an expert eBay reseller, and boom, they start selling and I start earning. Of course, they do charge a commission for their work, but not a single penny paid upfront from my side, so I’m fine with it.

So how does Flyp compare to an eBay store near me or to the now-closed eBay Valet?

  1. eBay stores charge a lot more (around 60%-70%), on Flyp, Pro Sellers charge between 30% and 50%
  2. Unlike eBay Valet, you have an open chat room with your Pro Seller, so you don’t have to ever worry about communication issues. You know what’s happening with your stuff. This was big for me.
  3. Other companies that sell your stuff for you will often have to pay large expenses to maintain their business, and they are often too busy to provide good care for one customer. On Flyp however, you get a very personal support from your Pro Seller.
  4. Every eBay store near me that I’ve been to in the past, would only sell my stuff on eBay. It kinda makes sense. But on Flyp, all Pros will promote your stuff across several selling platforms, including Poshmark, Mercari, Tradesy, Facebook Marketplace, and of course eBay.


I always have stuff that I want someone to sell for me on eBay and other marketplaces. After all, no one has to time to deal with selling a handful of things and dealing with a bunch of buyers with all the back and forth. And while ebay stores near me are absolutely gone, I have been finding a lot of success selling my stuff, especially clothing items, on an app like Flyp.




A publication dedicated to help people sell their stuff on consignment!