10 Useful/Fun/Weird Github Repos You Have to Play Around With

Ahhh, the internet.

Constantine Chutis
7 min readOct 27, 2019

If your like me and are into unique and different things, then boy do I have a great countdown for you. Below you’ll find some of the most useful, unique and fun Github repos you can find, clone and use today. People tend to be very creative when it comes to the internet. While you might find yourself saying “…but why?” with some of these repos, some will be actually super useful, or just straight up fun to play with. Here we go!

The List

(In no particular order!)

Faker Data Generators (for Node.js & Ruby)

Ever need fake data generated for your seed files? Sometimes it’s fun to come up with creative fake usernames, email addresses, or whatever you need. Let’s say though, you’re working with a large amount of seed data. Do you really want to come up with 100+ fake names/lines of data?

Here’s where Faker comes into play. Grab the version you need below: Node.JS or Ruby. (Faker also exists for Python and other backend programming languages, just Google “Github Faker *Language here*”.)

Click either image to visit repo

With Faker, you’re able to generate almost ANY type of data you need. first/last names? Check. Usernames? Check. Addresses, fake credit card numbers, company names? Check. Pokemon names? Check.

Check this link here to see the types of data available. Also have a great idea for a type of data/theme that doesn’t exist? Feel free to contribute to Faker and add to this massive repo. I personally use this gem for my Rails backend anytime I need to spoof fake users for testing out backend functionality.

Web Developer Roadmap

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Being a web developer is hard. There’s so much to learn and specialize in. Wouldn’t it be great if someone made a flowchart, based on real world experience, on what you should learn/practice with in order?

Yeah, well someone did. This repo is essentially a README. But a damn good one at that. If you ever wondered what you should learn next, or what next steps to take after learning a new language/framework, check this repo out.

Check back often, this is actively updated as fast as web technologies are updated!

Front-End Checklist

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Another handy “README”-esque repo, this one helps you track down missing features on any typical front end buildout. Super handy if you’re developing a website or app on your own. There’s so much to do and track down, and this list will make sure every i is dotted and every t is crossed. This is the perfect companion to any project you work on. You’re welcome. I have this one bookmarked on my Google Toolbar.

Is Thirteen?

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Okay, I promised weird. Let’s get weird. How about a JS library that’s sole purpose is to check if a number is equal to 13? I got you. I’m not sure where
or why you’d use this repo, but it exists. Sometimes you just wanna figure out if something is equal to the number thirteen. I don’t know. If you use this, I’d love to hear your use case. Check out this easy to use syntax for checking if numbers are equal to 13:

wow. unlimited possibilities. (at least 13)


Click image above to visit repo

The Onion Github is loaded with really weird repos. Must be a blast working there. One of their repos, Comcastify.JS, is a repo that will slow down image loading speeds. Comcast, being a notoriously slow ISP in New York Metro area, is at the brunt of this joke repo. The sole purpose of this repo is to cause images to load severely slow, imitating bad internet download speeds. Comcastify.JS’s slogan is “Sometimes images just load too damned fast.”

Check out their demo page to see it in (slow) action!


Click image above to visit repo

Okay, this isn’t going to get political, but someone made a Python-derived scripting language called TrumpScript, and frankly, it’s hilarious! “Make Python great again!” is the slogan for the repo. Here is the official description: “TrumpScript is a language based upon the illustrious Donald Trump. As the undeniably best US President, we found that the current field of programming languages does not include any that Trump’s glorious golden combover would approve of.”

Here are some of the key features of the repo:

  • No floating point numbers, only integers. America never does anything halfway.
  • All numbers must be strictly greater than 1 million. The small stuff is inconsequential to us.
  • There are no import statements allowed. All code has to be home-grown and American made.
  • Instead of True and False, we have the keywords fact and lie.
  • Only the most popular English words, Trump’s favorite words, and current politician names can be used as variable names.
  • Error messages are mostly quotes directly taken from Trump himself.
  • All programs must end with America is great.
  • Our language will automatically correct Forbes’ $4.5B to $10B.
  • In its raw form, TrumpScript is not compatible with Windows, because Trump isn’t the type of guy to believe in PC.
  • TrumpScript boycotts OS X and all Apple products until such time as Apple gives cellphone info to authorities regarding radical Islamic terrorist couple from Cal.
  • The language is completely case insensitive.
  • If the running computer is from China, TrumpScript will not compile. We don’t want them stealing our American technological secrets.
  • By constructing a wall (providing the — Wall flag), TrumpScript will refuse to run on machines with Mexican locales
  • Warns you if you have any Communists masquerading as legitimate “SSL Certificates” from China on your system.
  • Won’t run in root mode because America doesn’t need your help being great. Trump is all we need.
  • Easy to type with small hands

Also, hilariously, if your compiler fails to run do to errors, it will fail silently, because “Trump doesn’t like to talk about his failures”, so have fun debugging this!

Laxx (JS Scroll effect library)

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Alright, let’s get back into the realm of useful repos! Laxxx is a JS library that enables script users to create dynamic, amazing scroll effects on their websites and applications.

Check out their Demo pages to see various effects/modules in use. If you ever wanted to step up your front end game and make crazy, over the top pages, this repo will be your go-to!


Click image above for repo

This repo isn’t really something you can use (other than play around/learn the code), but user PCMACHero created this mock Playstation 4 menu using ReactJS. This nifty little tech demo has it all (minus playable games). Sound with cool particle swirl background, and can be controlled with your keyboard. Attention to detail is turned to 10. Definitely a cool little project to learn and play around with, especially if your a PS4Bro/Gal. Clone it down and have fun!


Click image above for repo

If you grew up in the days of retrogaming, you’ll LOVE this css package. This repo contains a full blown css library enabling your project to have the look and feel of original NES system. 8-bit assets and all galore. Use this in your next project if you want to take a trip down nostalgic lane. Check out the Demo page here to see it in action!

Windows 95 Electron App

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Similar to the PSMenu repo, this app isn’t much of a utility than it is just something fun to clone down and play with. User felixrieseberg created a full blown Windows 95 emulator that runs in a JavaScript Electron app. Miss the days of Windows 95? Now you can launch and relive the glory days. Play Minesweeper, configure network system settings manually, hell, you can even download and play Doom! Since it’s built in the Electron framework, it’ll run on PC, Mac and Linux! This is an amazing testament to what people can do with some skill and motivation. Check this out immediately!

Well, there they are: 10 fun repos you can download and play with now. Please support all the users who own/contribute to these repo’s by starring and donating to (if you end up using them a lot!). Keep an eye peeled for future blog posts where I’ll highlight and show case more of the weird and unique Github Repositories you can play around! Enjoy and keep on coding!



Constantine Chutis

Senior Digital Developer @ Northwell Health. Software Engineer and Fullstack Developer / Designer from Long Island. Graduate from Flatiron School // NYC