What Does Wellness Mean?


Wellness is a modern concept with ancient roots, based on preventive and holistic principles. It involves the active pursuit of activities, choices, and lifestyles that lead to a state of optimal health and wellbeing. Unlike a static state of being, wellness is an ongoing process that requires awareness and intentional decision-making. Let’s explore what wellness means in more detail:

1. Holistic Health: Wellness extends beyond physical health. It encompasses various dimensions that should work in harmony:

- Physical Wellness: Nourishing a healthy body through exercise, nutrition, sleep, and other lifestyle choices.

- Mental Wellness: Engaging with the world through learning, problem-solving, creativity, and positive thinking.

- Emotional Wellness: Being aware of, accepting, and expressing feelings while understanding others’ emotions.

- Spiritual Wellness: Searching for meaning and higher purpose in human existence.

- Social Wellness: Connecting with others and engaging in meaningful ways within our communities.

- Environmental Wellness: Fostering positive interrelationships between planetary health and human actions.

2. Active Pursuit: Wellness is not passive; it involves intentions, choices, and actions. We actively work toward optimal health and wellbeing.

3. Self-Responsibility: While wellness is an individual pursuit, it’s significantly influenced by our physical, social, and cultural environments.

4. Distinction from Health and Happiness:

- Health (as defined by the World Health Organization) refers to complete physical, mental, and social well-being.

- Wellbeing is often associated with happiness or a state of being well.

- In contrast, wellness emphasizes an ongoing process of awareness and intentional choices leading to holistic health.

To enhance your wellness journey:

- Cultivate social connections by reaching out to friends or loved ones.

- Incorporate daily exercise (even 20–30 minutes) for improved mood and overall well-being.

- Make wholesome nutrition choices by adding nutritious ingredients to your meals.

- Prioritize good sleep hygiene for successful rest.

- Practice mindfulness to improve focus and emotional well-being.

Remember that small changes add up over time — no need for extreme measures! By actively pursuing wellness in these dimensions, you’ll thrive rather than merely survive.

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Dhwanit Garg | Holistic Transformation Coach

I help Busy Advocates, Consultants & Managers struggling with stress induced weight gain & lifestyle disorders achieve their dream physique.