

Illustration by Yvonne M. Estrada

Let me start by appreciating Kristin Xavier, who channeled the guidance that I should write a book combining the wisdom I found in the feminist art movement and in Kundalini Yoga. It’s not exactly as we first imagined, but the vision ignited a spark that still glows after many years.

I’m very thankful to the supportive and helpful feedback I received from many readers, including members of the Crafting the Story workshop at Writers At Work.

I would never have been able to bring this book to completion were it not for the unflagging cheerleading of Pablo Alvarez and my art buddy of decades, Mary-Linn Hughes.

I am humbled by the astute editorial guidance I received from Kat Talley-Jones, Pablo Alvarez, and Donna Frazier. Erick Monrrigo heroically formatted my citations and continues to support my efforts to get the word out.

And I am grateful every day for my extraordinary spouse, Yvonne M. Estrada, who contributed the illustrations and photos for Guru Grrrl and always makes me laugh.



Terry Wolverton
GURU GRRRL: 45 Powers to Transform Your World

Author of 12 books of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, including EMBERS, a novel in poems; INSURGENT MUSE, a memoir; and the novel, SEASON OF ECLIPSE.