
Is Google Gemini better than ChatGPT 4?

Shiva Gupta


Google just announced its new general AI model i.e. Google Gemini which is available to all users worldwide through Google Brad, some developer platforms, and Google Pixel 8. But the question comes is Gemini really better than Chat GPT 4? We remember the launch of Google Brad which was really not a hit, but Google claims. In large language model (LLM) research and development, Gemini Ultra’s performance “exceeds current state-of-the-art results on 30 of the 32 widely-used academic benchmarks.” It further stated that Gemini Ultra is the first model to surpass human specialists in massive multitask language understanding (MMLU), an assessment of problem-solving skills and world knowledge that uses 57 areas like arithmetic, physics, history, law, medicine, and ethics. Furthermore, according to the company, Gemini is able to “understand, explain, and generate high-quality code in the world’s most popular programming languages, like Python, Java, C++, and Go.” as Google claims.

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Also, Gemini comes in 3 types depending upon which is needed it scales automatically, First is the largest and most powerful model, Gemini Ultra, which is designed for extremely complicated tasks. The second one is Gemini Pro is currently available in Bard for regular users worldwide in Google Brad, and it will scale the best across a broad range of tasks. The third one comes in devices like Pixel 8 Pro which already has Gemini Nano, which powers new features like Summarise in the Recorder app, and Gboard’s Smart Reply, which works with WhatsApp first. Gemini Nano will handle tasks on the device. With all these things coming out, it seems Gemini is better than Chat GPT 4 but I would say it’s still very early to come to any conclusion, also right now Gemini appears to be more adaptable than GPT4. It also has an advantage because it can operate on devices without the Internet and with video. Another factor is that Chat GPT 4 is only available to paying users, whereas Gemini is currently free to use which can really bring a tremendous amount of traffic to Gemini one more advantage is the Google ecosystem they have built across the devices and Android OS.

Also, one last thing in case you are developing an AI-based SaaS application then you should check this book I wrote.



Shiva Gupta

As a Dev/Project Manager passionate about creating digital experiences. This blog is mostly dedicated to Coding where you can find code snippets for your code.