Common Title Issues in Florida and How to Avoid Them

Consumer First Title
3 min readJun 25, 2024


When buying or selling property in Florida, encountering title issues can be a significant hurdle. These problems can delay or even derail real estate transactions. Fortunately, understanding common title issues and knowing how to avoid them can help ensure a smooth process.

Here are some of the most frequent title problems in Florida and tips on how to avoid them with the help of a title insurance company in Florida.

Common Title Issues in Florida

1. Liens and Encumbrances

Liens and encumbrances are claims or legal rights against a property by a party that is not the owner. Common liens include unpaid property taxes, contractor liens, or outstanding mortgage balances. These issues can prevent a clear transfer of title.

2. Undisclosed Heirs

In cases where a property owner passes away without a will or with an incomplete will, undisclosed heirs can come forward claiming ownership of the property. This can lead to disputes and complications in transferring the title.

3. Forged Documents

Forgery of documents, including deeds and wills, is a serious issue that can affect property titles. If a previous transaction involved forged documents, the current title might be invalid.

4. Errors in Public Records

Mistakes in public records, such as misspelled names, inaccurate property descriptions, or omitted information, can cloud a title. These errors can result from clerical mistakes or misfiled documents.

5. Boundary Disputes

Discrepancies in property boundaries can lead to disputes with neighbors. If a property’s boundaries are not clearly defined, it can cause issues during a sale.

How to Avoid Title Issues

1. Conduct a Thorough Title Search

A comprehensive title search is the first step in identifying any existing title issues. Title companies in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, have the expertise to conduct detailed searches and uncover any hidden problems. This process involves reviewing public records to identify any liens, encumbrances, or discrepancies that need to be addressed before the sale.

2. Obtain Title Insurance

Title insurance provides protection against future claims or disputes over the ownership of the property. A reputable title insurance company in Florida will offer policies that cover a wide range of potential issues, including undisclosed heirs, forgery, and errors in public records. This insurance ensures that if a problem arises, the financial burden does not fall on the buyer or seller.

3. Work with Experienced Professionals

Partnering with experienced title companies in Florida, can make a significant difference. These professionals have the knowledge and resources to handle complex title issues and ensure a smooth transaction. They can provide valuable advice and solutions to prevent problems from arising.

4. Conduct a Survey

To avoid boundary disputes, it is wise to conduct a property survey. This survey will clearly define the property boundaries and identify any potential encroachments or discrepancies. A title company can help arrange for a professional surveyor to assess the property.

5. Verify Legal Documents

Ensure that all legal documents related to the property are verified and authenticated. This includes deeds, wills, and any other relevant paperwork. Working with a trusted title insurance company in Florida can help verify the authenticity of these documents and prevent issues related to forgery or fraud.


Dealing with title issues can be daunting, but understanding common problems and knowing how to avoid them can make the process smoother. By conducting thorough title searches, obtaining title insurance, and working with experienced professionals, you can protect yourself from potential pitfalls.

Invest in professional assistance from us at Consumer First Title, a title company in Broward, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We can provide peace of mind and help you navigate the complexities of property ownership. For more details about us, click here.

