AI (Artificial Intelligence) Know How Is Critical For Business Leaders Today

AI World Today highlights the latest news in Artificial intelligence

The AI (Artificial Intelligence) market is expected to reach $70 billion by 2020. Artificial intelligence is poised to have a transformative effect on consumer, enterprise, and government markets around the world. While there are certainly obstacles to overcome, consumers believe that AI has the potential to assist in medical breakthroughs, democratize costly services, elevate poor customer service, and even free up an overburdened workforce.

Each week AI World Today will highlight the key topics and trends in the world of artificial intelligence today. To sign-up please email:

The Surprising Repercussions of Making AI Assistants Sound Human

ASK ALEXA ABOUT the weather, and it’ll tell you it’s sunny and 75 in a pleasant monotone. Prompt it to tell you a joke, and it’ll offer a pun in its signature staccato. Suggest that it sing a song, and it’ll belt out an auto-tuned country ballad. Amazon’s virtual assistant boasts a number of clever, humanlike abilities — but, as its voice betrays, Alexa is still just a robot.

Google’s AlphaGo Trounces Humans — But It Also Gives Them a Boost

THE DAY THORE Graepel joined Google’s DeepMind artificial intelligence lab in the spring of 2015, his new colleagues sat him down for a game of Go. Over the previous year, they’d trained a neural network to play the ancient game, and Graepel happened to be a player himself, holding a one danrank, the Go equivalent of a black belt. As the game began with DeepMind researchers circled around him, Graepel was confident he would win. After all, he never had trouble playing other Go programs. But the game didn’t progress as he expected. “Everyone knew me as the guy who lost against the neural network,” he says.

AI will change how we email

With so many emails sent from inbox to inbox, the experience should be getting more intelligent. There’s more valuable data in email than any other workplace tool, and this data is ripe for analysis and automation. And the time for this automation is now. Advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing, enable Astro to bring improvements to email that weren’t possible even a few years ago.

Building applications for AI demands real intelligence from developers

Developing applications for the cloud is yesterday’s news. The new vista is artificial intelligence, the ability of applications or devices with embedded software — think self-driving cars — to learn from their experiences and continually improve. The challenge for developers is that AI goes far beyond cranking out lines of code to encompass other disciplines, including advanced mathematics, analytics and deep learning. In other words, if you’re building applications for AI, there are many things to know before approaching the starting line.

Tencent increases its focus on artificial intelligence

When it comes to artificial intelligence (AI) and Chinese tech companies, thoughts often begin and end with Baidu. But Tencent, Asia’s second highest-valued tech company behind Alibaba, has reminded the world that it too is investing in the field.

Search giant Baidu was one of the first to make a major commitment to deep learning. It spent over $2.9 billion on R&D over a 2.5 year period, according to Bloomberg, and currently has more than 1,300 specialists working on a variety of technologies that include AI and augmented reality. Baidu, however, suffered a blow when its chief scientist Andrew Ng, who heads up its U.S.-based research team, announced his departure last week.

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