5 Tips On How To Have A Better Night Sleep

Shane Soule
2 min readMar 17, 2022

Reduce the stress of getting out of bed

Photo By: Shane Soule

Are you like me someone who gets less than four hours of sleep at night? Get up and can work a full day like your refreshed. You’re body eventually crash after two days and your back to square one trying to figure out why you’re so exhausted.

This pattern went on for year’s before I realized my body was telling me I’m doing too much. I didn’t think age played part in getting a good nights rest however, it does. Below are 5 tips to getting better sleep at night and reducing the bad habits of constantly getting out of bed.

  1. Start with a great breakfast: I was on the go that I use to skip breakfast so much that I quickly went to coffee thinking it was all I needed.
  2. Take daily vitamins: Supplements can help give you the energy your body’s missing. I did that for about sixty day’s and started seeing myself do more at work and at home.
  3. Exercise: We all have heard it plenty of times and say we’ll get to it. Today we can bring the gym to us, especially if you’re not able to get outside much. The weather sometimes have my body aching that I decided to get resistant bands and learned to do what I can to burn calories at home.
  4. Warm bath or shower: I love getting a nice warm shower or bath to relax my muscles and any…



Shane Soule

I am an entreprenuer, writer and and advocate speaker. My passion is to educate and give advice about different topics I love and feel great about.