How To Use A Dream Journal

Shane Soule
3 min readNov 15, 2022

Understanding your dreams and what they mean

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

A dream journal for me seemed very simple at first when I started. However, over time it became so detailed I figured I can explain why it’s important to keep one for yourself. Like many of you, I dream often, no matter what time I go to bed I have specific or lucid dreams. Some good where I can wake up and say that was awesome and laugh about it. Other times I really wish I didn’t fall asleep and could get a do over.

Why would I keep a dream journal?

The importance of a dream journal for me was so that I could see any patterns of why I was having certain dreams and what they were telling me. I think about five to six years ago I started researching more about interpreting dreams.

I used the internet to find the basic topics, like seeing a house, falling and not landing, running and never stopping. Climbing a mountain, seeing cats, and dogs, it was overwhelming. It seemed like the meaning were similar. Something related to working on ending a relationship or healing one, things starting over. Honestly, it wasn’t all my dream actually told me.

What book helped me?



Shane Soule

I am an entreprenuer, writer and and advocate speaker. My passion is to educate and give advice about different topics I love and feel great about.