5 Must-Have Features of School Mobile App

Atcovation School Mobile App
3 min readJul 29, 2019


‘Why should educators invest their money in school app when free school apps are already available?’

Data security!

Losing out any kind of institutional information is not at all acceptable, right? With free school apps, you can really never be sure of data security. This is the biggest reason why educators should have their own customized app with high-end security. With the School Mobile Apps soaring high in the education industry, it’s crucial for educators to choose the best one which would not just streamline the institutional work process but also, escalate the overall growth and effectiveness of the institution.

Here are the top 5 features that every educator must look for while implementing a school mobile app

School Attendance, Homework & Assignment

For a teacher, managing the school attendance, homework, and assignments are probably some of the most important tasks apart from handling the academics. The problem is these tasks consume way more time than they should actually be taking. Researchers have found that, on average, a teacher has to invest 40 percent of their lecture time for just marking the attendance!

Imagine what will happen if the teacher can dedicate this much time to helping out students with their doubts and queries? The outcome will surely be positive! Therefore, educators must consider this feature while searching out for a school management app.

Online Fee Collection

The online fee collection is yet another important feature that educators should seek in a school management app. The basic motto behind an online fee collection system is that it saves a lot of time for the parents as well as students who have to stand in queues for so many hours just to pay the school fees. On top of this, the staff who handles finance and accounts would also be able to manage everything smoothly if the manual workload of cash collecting gets digitized.

However, educators must pay attention to a thing and that is the app should have a secured payment gateway else, the parents may lose their hard-earned money falling in the honey trap of online hackers and intruders.

Teacher-Parent Communication

Communication is the key to solve any problem, right? It’s a good practice that teachers frequently communicate with students, but when it comes to parents, they hardly get any chance to have interactions. Most often, they speak only at events like parents-teachers meet. It may create a communication gap between them, which ultimately may affect the students.

Therefore, educators have to choose a school app with an inbuilt chat messenger that allows parents and teachers to communicate at any given point in time and from any place. It would significantly bridge the communication gap and help parents stay aware of the academic progress as well as the daily scholastic activities of their children.

Student Data Security

As we mentioned earlier, student data security is an utmost profound factor for educational institutes. Therefore, educators must contact ERP vendors who provide them student data security. The school app must have facilities like encrypted transmission of information and secure login methods like OTP generation so that, the data remains safe and secured always.

School Bus Tracking

Nowadays, the crime ratio has increased a lot, especially when it comes to school-going children. Parents constantly live worrying about whether their child would return home safely. As far as their safety is concerned, undoubtedly the school management would take all measures to keep them safe. But, the time window of children traveling back home is unpredictable. Anything can happen when they are outside, agree? Therefore, a school app that provides a bus tracking facility and sends notifications about the location of the bus is a must for every school!

Key Takeaways

A school app should proffer as many features as it could. However, attendance, chat messenger, online fee collection, student data security, and bus tracking facility are the 5 topmost features, which educators should never compromise! Implementing such a school app would enhance the students’ positive outcomes, overall workflow, and parents and students would surely stay grateful to you, and institutional reputation would certainly rise in the long run.



Atcovation School Mobile App

Atcovation is a school mobile app for students, teachers, and parents.