6 Amazing Benefits of Technology for Schools

Atcovation School Mobile App
4 min readFeb 6, 2020


I heard the news last night stating that an old woman completed her schooling at the age of 62! And I was just astonished & amazed thinking about how she could have managed her education! Thoughts like — Had she been attending classes with youngsters? What would she have felt through the entire education journey? Did she struggle to understand modern educational concepts? My curiosity increased! I further searched the news on the internet and came to know that the driving force behind her stand was edTech!

Yes, the school mobile app made her journey super easy! Want to know how technology benefited the lady and can also benefit your kid? Please dive into the narration and discover by yourself the amazing benefits of technology for schools…

Image: Benefits of EdTech

1. Quicker, Faster, Hassle-free Online Admissions

Receiving countless applications every year and shortlisting just a few — It has become a staple for educators. Tough! Imagine what kind of energy, efforts, and concentration might be required from staff members! They need to check every application within a time frame. No cheating and no skipping allowed! Huh!

Ever since the school management system with online admission provision is innovated, teachers are overwhelmed. Technology has proved the biggest boon for them as it simplified the complexities to a greater extent & now students can apply online & get admitted without any drama. The sweet lady of which I was talking previously did just the same. No wonder why she accomplished so much even at a later stage.

2. Personalized Education via E-Learning Tools

Being a part of the digital nation, the old lady attended classes from home via e-learning tools. Just like her, kids from any part of the globe can connect with their favorite school administrators and learn the things they’re passionate about. There’s absolutely no need to travel or worry about the distance. Your kids can not just learn but also get certifications from eminent educational institutions that can be helpful for their career in the future. They simply need to log in from their portals to get started.

3. Encourages Better Teacher-Student Collaboration

If you think that the communication between key stakeholders might get lost due to the intrusion of technology in school, you’re nowhere near to the truth. In a traditional setup, surely, students get time to communicate with teachers face-to-face. However, with a school communication app, students can keep in touch with teachers virtually and that is equally effective. Because students who’re shy to speak in public might be comfortable talking via the school parent app. So, this can actually foster better collaboration! The same was experienced by the 62 years old student. And now, we even have the proof!

4. Gamification in the Classroom

Long gone are the days when boring textbooks and blackboard teaching were the only means to impart knowledge to students. Today, school apps for teachers are enabling faculty to gamify the entire teaching-learning experience through digital storytelling. Teachers can blend a lot of tricks to improvise the traditional methods and even arrange short online quizzes and assessments to test the knowledge of kids. It unconsciously boosts teacher-student engagement. Even the old lady admitted that gamification helped her grasp the latest concept better!

5. Artificial Intelligence to Keep Track of Student Progress

Is it practically possible to monitor thousands of kids?

Obviously, a big — No!

However, it’s the responsibility of faculty members to monitor kids as well as their progress. The record can be then used for planning strategies that encourage the overall development of the school. By using the school management app, the faculty gets a chance to keep a tab on thousands of students without getting panicked. School apps for teachers integrated with the analytics dashboard can proffer goal-driven results. Teachers just need to use the reports wisely to identify the core problems faced by students.

6. Conduction of Examination and Result Declaration

Examinations are a headache not only for students but also for the faculty. The faculty has to set up the entire examination procedure & ensure that it goes smoothly. They need to prepare a roll list, allot rooms to students, decide the number of faculty members in one classroom, and so on. To be honest, it ain’t easy as it seems. A lot of hard work goes into it. Even after the successful conduction of examination, teachers need to assess the answer sheets and declare results without any errors. With a campus automation system, the examination can be automated successfully.

Read The Complete Story Here:

Edtech Aspiring Individuals To Accomplish Their Dreams

The old lady mentioned that her school was fully automated with edTech due to which she was able to complete her studies. Well, it was just one case. I am sure there are a number of people who are getting benefited from technology despite their age, gender, religion, or nationality! It is a tried and tested way to boost the quality of education & students’ skills. Therefore, I request educators to consider investing in smart school apps.



Atcovation School Mobile App

Atcovation is a school mobile app for students, teachers, and parents.