How is Atcovation Simplifying School Attendance Management?

Atcovation School Mobile App
3 min readJan 11, 2020


“Hello Sir, why has your child not come to school?”

As a parent, I am sure you must have encountered times when your kid bunked classes & lied to you, right? Instead of going to school they just made out plans and enjoyed time with friends. Nothing wrong in that! Admit it or not, we all have done this in our childhood. However, today, times have changed drastically in terms of the safety of children. Bunking classes is no longer safe. So, it’s natural for parents to feel insecure. Similarly, the school administrators must also keep a tab of students’ attendance to avoid the chances of any mishap.

Fig.1. School Attendance Management

You know, it has been observed that “chronic absenteeism” is on the verge of rising these days. Young kids facing low esteem issues due to bullying in school usually opt for skipping their classes. They just don’t wish to go to school and give random excuses. It’s important to identify such kids.

What could be done to address these issues?

“Atcovation” is the answer to all your concerns!

Atcovation is a highly reputed & efficient school management app integrated with amazingly advanced features that can streamline the functionalities of your school without any hassle. One of the best features of Atcovation is student attendance management. It not just addresses the above-mentioned concerns but also helps faculty members to mark and track attendance easily.

Here’s how Atcovation is simplifying school attendance management…

A. Eliminates Errors While Marking Attendance

Sometimes, teachers unintentionally mark the student attendance status as “Absent” while the kid is still in the school. Such a mistake might occur because two kids share the same name! Ah! It might become troublesome for the sincere kid who was attending the lectures & still was marked as absent. With Atcovation, teachers don’t need to worry about errors of manual attendance entry. Everything becomes automated & the system identifies the present students & records authentic status. No more errors!

B. Allows Parents to Request for Leave

As we discussed in the beginning how bunking classes may prove dangerous in today’s time, Atcovation has got a special feature just to address this problem. It is designed in such a way that parents can apply for the leave of their children on their behalf in case of any emergency or health issue. Teachers can accept their request or even reject it based on their reason. This keeps both parents and teachers informed of the leave & helps the educators track the student’s status in real-time. Thus, with this student attendance app, the chances of students bunking the classes will cut down to literally zero!

C. Automatic Calculation of Day/Week/Month-wise Attendance History

Being a smart mobile app for school, Atcovation has an inbuilt analytics dashboard. This dashboard can automatically calculate kid’s attendance record & has got the provision to generate reports that reflect the day, week, and month-wise attendance history of the kid. Great feature, ain’t it? Teachers can even share the reports with parents in order to keep them in the loop with their children’s punctuality.

D. Save Attendance Data on Highly Secured Cloud

Just imagine, what would happen when so much sensitive information goes in the wrong hands? I mean, there are people who can misuse student-related data including their attendance history to identify the time by which students come to school & the time they leave school. It can create unnecessary security issues for the young soul. To help educators & parents stay stress-free, Atcovation saves all the data on a safe & secure cloud that is encrypted with strong password & role-based access.

Impressed with the school attendance app — Atcovation? Well, guess what, there’s more to it! There’s a multitude of features that can help you operate the school smoothly.

To explore more about Atcovation, you can visit the website or contact our team!

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Atcovation School Mobile App

Atcovation is a school mobile app for students, teachers, and parents.