Top 4 Reasons Why Atcovation is the Best School Management App

Atcovation School Mobile App
3 min readJan 22, 2020


Why the best Parent Communication App is also the best School Management App

“I’m a great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they’re interested in” — Bill Gates

Communication is about learning. Communication is also about freedom…freedom from not knowing what is happening in the lives of those dearest to us: children with severe attention deficit, pupils who cannot cope with subjects they may not have an aptitude for, children who have been habitually truanting or getting aggressive or who are too timid to participate in classroom activities. Learning and teaching suffer when issues as grave as these do not get the attention they deserve.

Fig.1. Top Four Reasons Why Atcovation is one of the best investments your school can make

When parents and teachers communicate, they bring to the table issues and thoughts that would, otherwise, have been sadly neglected. When these issues are resolved through honest, open and truthful communication between parent and teacher, the child feels secure, cared for and nourished. The result — improved behavior and improved learning outcomes.

Atcovation, by MasterSoft, is the all-in-one communication mobile App that has brought parents, teachers and students together on a single platform to share their ideas, thoughts, work, troubles, and suggestions.

What makes Atcovation so unique are its features? Advanced, yet user-friendly, secure, efficient and mobile responsive, here are the top four reasons why Atcovation is one of the best investments your school can make:

1) An Efficient Administrator: Atcovation is an efficient administrator. It saves time, effort and money for the school by sending out auto-triggered notifications in bulk to parents, informing parents about upcoming events or examination schedules. With a couple of clicks, it posts notices, circulars or newsletters, resulting in significant cost-savings on paper and notification management. And administrative tasks that teachers were struggling to fit into their pressured schedules, like tracking attendance, are now a breeze. Atcovation’s Attendance App for teachers has freed up precious time for teaching or interacting with students — jobs teachers are more qualified for than tracking attendance.

2) Three products in one: Atcovation is, in fact, three Apps in one. The Parent App reassures and informs parents, the Teacher App lightens the teachers’ workload, and the School App keeps everyone in the communication loop. With communication flowing seamlessly and all Apps syncing effortlessly with each other, Atcovation is the 360° solution to your school management and communication needs, while taking care of all data security concerns.

3) Complete Two-Way Communication: The In-App Messenger is the perfect tool for initiating honest and open dialogues between parent and teacher. Schools can communicate with any parent, anywhere, anytime. This can be used to clear doubts, resolve issues, inform or share important information or knowledge. This App has thus succeeded in replacing stiff monologues with kinder, more helpful dialogues.

4) Ease of Access: Few products could be as advanced yet as easy to use as the Atcovation school App. School administrators can view, manage or update key information on student attendance, assignment details, past records, examination schedules while on the go with the school mobile App that is perfectly adaptable to the mobile screen.

By keeping track of attendance through the Student Attendance App, parents and teachers can work together to remedy issues such as truants or lack of interest in certain subjects. Homework and assignments can be sent with attachments and returned corrected punctually. Emails and SMSs can be exchanged as required, leaving no gaps in communication.

Thus, it stands to reason that schools that have been able to engage parents in the academic lives of their wards by keeping communication channels open have the best learning outcomes to boast of. The Atcovation App is designed to help schools reach this worthy goal.



Atcovation School Mobile App

Atcovation is a school mobile app for students, teachers, and parents.