‘BECKHAM’ Documentary Series | Official Trailer Breakdown | Review | Netflix

Entrepreneur's Journal
2 min readSep 25, 2023


The riveting official trailer for the upcoming Netflix documentary Beckham just dropped, offering an intensely personal look at the pressures and adversity that shaped David Beckham’s path to legendary status. As a longtime fan, this vulnerable glimpse beneath the superstar exterior left me desperately anticipating the series’ release.

The trailer features never-before-seen personal footage spanning four incredible decades of Beckham’s journey — from his origins in a working-class London family all the way to achieving worldwide fame and acclaim.

We get raw, uncensored behind-the-scenes access to seminal moments in Beckham’s life, including an emotional scene where he revisits receiving a pivotal red card that changed his career. Archival headlines conveying the brutal public scrutiny he endured flash across the screen.

Hearing Beckham finally open up about the crushing weight of that backlash is powerful. His wife Victoria also shares eye-opening details on the relentless media attacks they both faced as a couple.

These candid perspectives promise to offer unmatched insights into the pressures Beckham withstood in the spotlight and their effect on him. The trailer alone reveals a touching vulnerability beneath the stoic superstar veneer.

Intimate family interviews tracing Beckham’s journey from an ordinary East London kid to an extraordinary football phenomenon help peel back the layers of what shaped him. We get a glimpse at the real David Beckham, not just the global icon.

This unparalleled blend of archival footage and present-day reflection comes from acclaimed documentary director Fisher Stevens, known for illuminating examinations of public figures.

Stevens expertly assembles the four-part series spanning Beckham’s journey decade by decade. This modulated approach allows us to truly understand Beckham’s ascent chronologically and emotionally.

As a longtime fan, getting this privileged fly-on-the-wall access to Beckham’s story is a dream. The trailer assured me this will be a poignant, insightful ride — one that shows sides of Beckham we’ve never seen before.

This intimate documentary event hits Netflix on October 4th. After seeing the trailer, I’m desperately counting down the days until we can dive into this raw, humanizing portrayal. Let me know if you’ll also be watching!



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