30 Yoga Asanas Images with Names and Pronunciations

Jul 17, 2023


Yoga Asanas

What is Yoga Asanas?

Yoga asanas, also known as yoga postures, are an integral part of the ancient practice of yoga. Derived from the Sanskrit word “asana”, meaning “seat” or “posture”, yoga asanas involve maintaining specific body positions while focusing on breath control and conscious awareness. These asanas aim to promote physical strength, flexibility, balance and mental clarity. Below is the list of 30 yoga asanas Images with names and their pronunciations.

  1. Mountain Pose
  2. Tree Pose
  3. Warrior I Pose
  4. Warrior II Pose
  5. Warrior III Pose

Rear the entire article to listen to the Pronunciations about 30 common poses in yoga https://fitmegood.com/30-yoga-asanas-images-with-names/




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