Understanding the Enigma of Layer 1 Blockchain

Nikhil Kumar
16 min readDec 17, 2023


1. Navigating the Scalability Trilemma with Layer 1 Blockchain Magic!

In the fast-paced realm of blockchain, the triple challenge of scalability, security, and decentralization has always cast a shadow over innovation. But fear not! Layer 1 blockchains emerge as the unsung heroes, ready to tackle this trilemma head-on.

2. Layer 1 Unveiled: Decoding the Bedrock of Blockchain Innovation!

Delve into the heart of blockchain technology with Layer 1, the foundational layer that forms the backbone of entire blockchain networks. Explore the intricate infrastructure that powers this revolutionary technology, paving the way for a new era of decentralized possibilities. Let’s unravel the mysteries and discover the magic of Layer 1 blockchain!

3. Introduction to Layer 1 Blockchain

Dive into the heart of blockchain innovation with Layer 1 — the robust foundation that propels the entire decentralized realm forward. Picture it as the core operating system, much like iOS or Android, empowering various applications to thrive. In the blockchain universe, these applications are the famed ‘decentralized applications’ or dapps, offering a world where developers retain full control and revenue without seeking anyone’s approval.

At the heart of public decentralized Layer 1 networks lies their unique consensus mechanism, ensuring security and speed. Think of it like Bitcoin and Ethereum, each with its native cryptocurrency, not just for transaction fees but as a catalyst for advanced functionalities within their ecosystems.

4. How Does Layer 1 Blockchain Work?

Curious about how it all works? Layer 1 blockchains function through a peer-to-peer network, utilizing consensus algorithms like proof-of-stake or proof-of-work. These distributed, transparent, and immutable systems make way for trustless transactions and serve as the bedrock for the future of decentralized applications. Ready to unlock the power of Layer 1 blockchain? Let’s journey into the intricate workings together!

5. Elevating Possibilities: Unraveling Layer 1 Scaling Solutions

Embark on a journey through the intricate world of blockchain scalability with Layer-1 scaling solutions as our guiding stars. Scaling, in the blockchain realm, is akin to a network’s superhero ability to gracefully expand with the surging demands of an ever-growing user base.

Layer-1 scaling solutions, often hailed as the on-chain maestros, stand tall as foundational crypto protocols. Picture them as the independent wizards of transaction processing, effortlessly handling their own blockchains without the need for external interventions like layer 2 (L2) blockchains or side chains. For now, let’s set aside the complexities of layer 2's and other blockchain components, immersing ourselves in the essence of layer 1’s unparalleled capabilities. We will stay focused on layer 1’s which has got more unwinding in the below paras. We’ll start with a couple of examples of layer 1 scaling — SegWit and Sharding.

6. SegWit Unleashed

Dive into the heart of Bitcoin’s evolution with SegWit, the beacon of innovation in the realm of layer 1 blockchains. SegWit, or ‘Segregated Witness,’ emerges as a transformative upgrade to the Bitcoin protocol, strategically designed to tackle challenges like transaction mutability and the need for an expanded block size.

Picture SegWit as the virtuoso conductor orchestrating a symphony of improvements. By segregating witness data from transaction data, SegWit ingeniously expands the block size limit, creating ample space to accommodate a higher volume of transactions in each block. This optimization not only supercharges the network’s efficiency and speed but also lays the foundation for subsequent upgrades and the seamless integration of second-layer (L2) marvels, such as the Lightning Network.

7. Sharding Wonders: A Symphony of Speed in Blockchain Scaling

Embark on a journey into the realm of Layer-1 Sharding, a groundbreaking scaling solution that propels transaction throughput into new frontiers. Imagine a world where speed meets efficiency, and the blockchain landscape is transformed through ingenious database partitioning — welcome to the era of Sharding!

In essence, Sharding is the virtuoso conductor orchestrating a symphony of scalability. This layer-1 scaling marvel employs a unique form of database partitioning tailored for blockchain distributed ledgers. The network and its nodes gracefully waltz into shards, each shouldering a portion of the workload, resulting in a harmonious boost to transaction speed.

Picture this: a sharded network where nodes elegantly store specific segments of the blockchain, rather than the entire ledger. This strategic maneuver not only optimizes storage but also enhances system efficiency. Zilliqa, Elrond, and Near stand as testament to the wonders of sharded blockchain networks, with Ethereum and Shardeum gearing up to join the ranks of sophistication.

8. Decoding Consensus

Dive into the heart of Layer 1 blockchains as we unveil the architects of trust — the Consensus Mechanisms. Picture an intricate dance where security, scalability, and decentralization choreograph a synchronized routine to ensure the seamless operation of public blockchain networks.

8.1 Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake: Unmasking the Duel of Decentralization

🔍 Act 1: Proof of Work (PoW)

Witness the grandeur of the pioneer, the ‘Proof of Work’ (PoW) — the original maestro conducted by Bitcoin. In this symphony of security, validators, also known as miners, showcase their computational prowess, solving intricate puzzles using high-powered computers. As the network’s heartbeat quickens, so does the mining difficulty, ensuring that only the elite rigs can mine the cryptocurrency rewards.

🌐 Act 2: The Rise of Proof of Stake (PoS)

Enter the era of eco-friendly consensus with ‘Proof of Stake’ (PoS). No more energy-intensive duets instead, participants become validators by staking their cryptocurrency as collateral. In this act of decentralization, validators verify transactions and update the blockchain, earning rewards in return. PoS, a modern virtuoso, thrives on sustainability, selecting primary validators based on their staked crypto, while smaller validators ensure the accuracy of validations.

9. Decoding the Essence: Why the Essence of Layer 1 Blockchain?

🌐 Unlocking the Blockchain Bounty

Embark on a journey through the blockchain technology, where Layer 1 unveils its indispensable role. Beyond the buzzwords of security and seamless transactions, the essence lies in the foundational architecture and principles that define Layer 1. Like a symphony, applications resonate with the capabilities of their underlying Layer 1 blockchain, echoing its security, speed, and decentralization attributes.

🚀 Fueling Innovation and Interoperability

Layer 1 isn’t just a platform, it’s the catalyst for innovation and the gateway to Web3 interoperability. Its standardized protocols serve as the lingua franca, allowing diverse applications and chains to harmonize seamlessly. Witness the dance of atomic swaps and synthetics, transporting value without intermediaries. In this decentralized ballet, Layer 1 ensures data’s immutability and verifiability, laying the foundation for trust in the decentralized cosmos.

💸 Tokenomics: The Economic Backbone

Beyond technology, Layer 1’s native tokenomics takes center stage, incentivizing participation, governance, and overall ecosystem growth. It’s the economic heartbeat that propels sustainability and fuels the engines of innovation in the Web3 space. Join us in deciphering the symphony of Layer 1, where technology and economics waltz hand in hand to shape the future of decentralized possibilities.

10. Navigating Constraints: The Limitations of Layer 1 Blockchain

🛑 Challenges on the Layer 1 Horizon

As the blockchain narrative evolves, so do the challenges embedded in the foundational Layer 1. Since Ethereum broadened our horizons with smart contracts and diverse use cases, the influx of users and transactions has soared. Yet, Layer 1, initially geared towards security and decentralization post the 2008 financial crisis, grapples with catching up in the race towards scalability.

🚗 Racing Against the Clock

The relentless surge in the blockchain ecosystem has strained Layer 1 networks. What was once a pioneering technology is now racing against time to match the accelerating demand. The consequence? Sluggish processing speeds, periodic outages, and transaction costs that reach new heights. The reality is stark — Layer 1 blockchains, even the most modern, struggle with limited transactions per second (TPS), lagging far behind centralized counterparts like Visa and Twitter.

🚦 Stuck at a Crossroads: The Scalability Dilemma

The crux lies in scalability — the elusive solution to the blockchain trilemma. As Layer 1 networks grapple with the delicate balance of decentralization, security, and scalability, compromises emerge. The need of the hour is a breakthrough that doesn’t compromise on these core tenets or burden users with exorbitant transaction fees.

In this landscape of constraints, the race to unravel the scalability challenge unfolds, promising a future where Layer 1 rises to meet the demands of a burgeoning blockchain ecosystem.

11. Decoding the Architecture: Components of L1 Blockchain

In the intricate realm of Layer 1 (L1) blockchains, a symphony of components orchestrates the decentralized marvel. These components, akin to the instruments in an orchestra, harmonize to birth a secure, transparent, and immutable ledger. Let’s embark on a journey through the core components that form the backbone of L1 blockchains.

1. Consensus Mechanism: Unveiling Trust in Nodes

In the absence of a centralized authority, L1 blockchains employ a consensus mechanism. Picture this as a democratic nodal ballet, where network users (nodes) autonomously validate transactions. This not only ensures the security of the network but also empowers each node to securely contribute to the blockchain.

2. Data Structure: The Distributed Ledger Symphony

At the heart of L1 blockchains lies the data structure — a distributed ledger accessible to all. Every transaction, a musical note, is meticulously recorded on this ledger. Each node in the network holds a copy, fostering decentralization and providing a harmonious redundancy that shields against potential failures and security threats.

3. Cryptographic Primitives: Safeguarding the Score

Cryptographic symphonies echo through L1 blockchains. Asymmetric key cryptography, the conductor of security, orchestrates private and public keys. These keys, akin to musical notes, harmonize to encrypt transactions, securing each movement on the blockchain’s stage.

4. Transaction Finality: A Crescendo of Irreversibility

Similar to a musical crescendo, L1 blockchains ensure transaction finality. Once a transaction is conducted on the L1 blockchain, it achieves a permanent, irreversible status. The orchestration of finality is dictated by the architecture, ensuring the completion time aligns with the symphony of blockchain processing.

5. Native Assets: Coins as Melodic Currencies

Enter the native assets — Bitcoin, Ether, the melodic currencies of L1 blockchains. These coins, akin to the currency of a musical realm, facilitate transaction fees and reward validators. They compose the economic backbone, resonating within the ecosystem.

6. Security: The Maestro’s Baton

The security protocols, the maestro’s baton of L1 blockchains, are enshrined in consensus mechanisms. These protocols define how validators interact within the network, creating a robust security apparatus that fortifies the ecosystem.

7. Block Production: Crafting the Symphony of Blocks

Every blockchain has its symphony — blocks. Crafted by validators, these data structures encapsulate the essence of the network. Referencing previous blocks, they house information about new transactions, etching a melodic journey onto the canvas of the L1 blockchain.

In the grandeur of L1 blockchains, these components harmonize, creating a decentralized opus that transcends traditional paradigms — a symphony of security, transparency, and trust.

12. Deciphering the Layers: Unraveling the Contrast Between Layer 1 and Layer 2 Blockchains

In the symphony of blockchain architecture, Layer 1 and Layer 2 emerge as distinctive movements, each contributing to the grand opus of decentralized technology. Let’s delve into the nuances, understanding the fundamental differences that set these layers apart.

Source: Quora | Layer 1 blockchain and Layer 2 blockchain enhance the scalability of the base layer protocol differently

Layer 1: The Bedrock of Blockchain

Foundational Principles: Layer 1, often hailed as the base layer, embodies the bedrock of blockchain protocols. It houses the primary consensus mechanism, be it the stalwart Proof of Work (as witnessed in Bitcoin) or the nimble Proof of Stake. This layer orchestrates the core processing and direct recording of transactions onto the main chain.

Design Philosophy: The design principles of Layer 1 are rooted in unwavering priorities — security, decentralization, and overall system integrity. Examples of Layer 1 blockchains include the pioneers Bitcoin and Ethereum, along with innovative platforms like Avalanche and Algorand.

Constraints: While Layer 1 ensures robust security and decentralization, its scalability and performance are often bound by the inherent design choices. The emphasis on security and decentralization can, at times, impose limitations on speed and transaction throughput.

Layer 2: Elevating Scalability through Innovation

Architectural Elevation: Layer 2 blockchains ascend above their Layer 1 counterparts, perched atop existing blockchain networks. These layers deploy an array of techniques, such as off-chain channels, state channels, and rollups, to enhance scalability.

Enhanced Speed and Cost-Efficiency: Layer 2 blockchains, with their strategic positioning, often exhibit swifter and more cost-effective transaction processing compared to Layer 1 counterparts. However, this efficiency comes with considerations around security and decentralization, especially when custom consensus algorithms are introduced.

Hierarchical Processing: The magic of Layer 2 lies in its hierarchical approach. It strategically offloads a portion of the transactional load from the main chain by processing transactions off-chain or in a more efficient manner. Later, these transactions are committed or settled on the Layer 1 blockchain, ensuring a delicate dance between throughput and the bedrock’s trust and security.

Curiosity Unveiled: This dynamic interplay between Layer 1 and Layer 2 beckons further exploration. To satiate your curiosity and unravel more intricacies, delve into our comprehensive article on Layer 1 and Layer 2 Blockchain.

In the grand tapestry of blockchain evolution, Layer 1 and Layer 2 harmonize, each playing a distinct role in the crescendo of decentralized possibilities.

13. Advantages Engrained in Layer 1 Blockchain Solutions

In the symphony of blockchain innovation, Layer 1 emerges as the virtuoso, wielding a host of benefits that resonate across the decentralized landscape.

1. Scalability Unleashed:

  • Responsive Growth: The paramount advantage of Layer 1 blockchain solutions is their unparalleled scalability. Crafted to navigate the surging waves of a burgeoning user base, these protocols offer high throughput, laying the foundation for responsive and dynamic network expansion.

2. Standalone Completeness:

  • Self-Sufficiency: Layer 1 blockchains boast standalone completeness, eliminating the necessity for supplementary layers unless specific scenarios demand augmentation. This inherent self-sufficiency positions them as robust entities, capable of functioning independently within their existing framework.

3. Seamless Innovation Integration:

  • Technological Agility: An intrinsic strength lies in the adaptability of Layer 1 blockchains. They serve as fertile ground for innovation, allowing the seamless integration of new tools and technological advancements directly into their base protocols. This flexibility propels continuous evolution within the blockchain landscape.

4. Decisive Transaction Authority:

  • Arbiters of Truth: In the realm of transaction outcomes, Layer 1 blockchains reign as the ultimate arbiters. Possessing exclusive access to the source of truth, they ensure the definitive resolution of transactions. This authoritative stance enhances trust and reliability within the decentralized ecosystem.

5. Native Token Empowerment:

  • Gateway to Resources: Layer 1 networks introduce a native token, a digital key unlocking access to the network’s vast resources. This token not only facilitates transactions but becomes a catalyst for engagement, governance, and participation within the Layer 1 blockchain ecosystem.

As the architect of decentralized possibilities, Layer 1 blockchain solutions embody the essence of scalability, autonomy, innovation, transactional authority, and native token empowerment. In their orchestration, the decentralized landscape finds a symphony of efficiency, security, and limitless potential.

14. Exploring the Tapestry of Layer 1 Blockchains: A Diverse Ensemble

Dive into the expansive realm of Layer 1 blockchains, each weaving its unique narrative in the decentralized landscape:

  1. Bitcoin:
  • The Pioneer: Bitcoin stands as the trailblazer, pioneering the era of decentralized digital currency. As the original cryptocurrency, it operates on a Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism, offering a secure and decentralized means of value transfer.

2. Ethereum:

  • Smart Contract Maestro: Ethereum emerges as a powerhouse in the blockchain realm, resembling a supercharged computer accessible to a multitude of users concurrently. Its distinguishing feature lies in the execution of smart contracts — automated programs that unfold when specific conditions are met, akin to setting up conditional rules. While initially operating under a consensus model akin to Bitcoin’s, Ethereum embarks on a groundbreaking transition to Proof of Stake (PoS), not only reducing its environmental impact but also propelling the blockchain sector forward. Ethereum’s trailblazing introduction of programmable smart contracts has been transformative, evolving the platform into a decentralized applications (dApps) hub that extends far beyond mere transactions. This paradigm shift has set an industry benchmark, inspiring a myriad of newer blockchains to draw from Ethereum’s innovative blueprint and expand the horizons of blockchain possibilities.

3. Shardeum:

  • Innovative Web3 Architecture: Shardeum is an EVM-based Layer 1 blockchain that is emerging as a beacon of innovation, forging a Layer 1 blockchain with dynamic state sharding, linear scaling, and cross-shard atomic composability. Committed to community-driven growth, Shardeum envisions a decentralized ecosystem.

4. Elrond:

  • Highly Scalable: Elrond embraces sharding to achieve high throughput, aiming for a borderless economy. With its Adaptive State Sharding, Elrond focuses on scalability, efficiency, and sustainability in the decentralized realm.

5. Harmony:

  • Cross-Chain Harmony: Harmony leverages sharding and cross-chain architecture for scalability and interoperability. Focused on a secure and decentralized infrastructure, Harmony envisions a future where the benefits of blockchain are accessible to all. Above all, Harmony’s vision for blockchain scalability focuses on zero-knowledge proofs and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, or DAOs.

6. Celo:

  • Mobile-Focused Decentralization: Celo pioneers mobile-first blockchain solutions, emphasizing financial inclusion. With a vision for a decentralized financial system, Celo empowers users to send, receive, and earn on a mobile platform. Celo’s network enables the development of decentralized apps (dApps). This feature makes it simple to send money to contacts on your phone, regardless of whether they have a cryptocurrency wallet.

7. THORChain:

  • Decentralized Liquidity: THORChain revolutionizes decentralized finance (DeFi) with its cross-chain liquidity protocol. Enabling trustless and permissionless liquidity pools, THORChain contributes to the evolving landscape of decentralized exchanges. Unlike other cross-chain protocols, THORChain does not wrap assets before swapping. Instead, it uses native assets on THORChain to perform autonomous, transparent asset swaps. Its protocol includes a cross-chain bridge system (known as the Bifröst Protocol) to connect different chains.

8. Kava:

  • DeFi on Cosmos: Kava, built on the Cosmos blockchain, specializes in decentralized finance. By offering collateralized loans and stablecoins, Kava contributes to the expanding DeFi ecosystem. Merging Ethereum’s developer support with Cosmos’ speed and interoperability, Kava offers distinct blockchains for EVM and Cosmos SDK development, fostering a scalable network.

9. IoTeX:

  • Internet of Trusted Things: IoTeX envisions a secure and scalable blockchain for the Internet of Things (IoT). IoTex is an EVM-compatible Layer 1 blockchain network. With a focus on privacy and scalability, IoTeX aims to empower a decentralized network of trusted devices.

10. Algorand:

  • Pure Proof of Stake: Algorand introduces Pure Proof of Stake (PPoS), ensuring decentralization, scalability, and security. With rapid transaction finality and low fees, Algorand facilitates the seamless adoption of blockchain solutions. Lowering barriers for staking and employing a two-tier architecture for scalability, Algorand stands as a high-throughput blockchain with a focus on simplicity.
  • Algorand uses a two-tier architecture to make itself more scalable. The first tier is reserved for more complex transactions related to Defi protocols, whereas the second tier or chain handles simple transactions like token transfers.

15. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the Difference Between Layer 1 and Layer 2?

Layer 1 blockchains constitute the foundational layer where primary consensus mechanisms operate, ensuring decentralization, security, and core transaction processing. Examples include Bitcoin and Ethereum’s mainnet. On the other hand, Layer 2 solutions are secondary protocols constructed atop Layer 1 to boost scalability and speed without compromising base layer security. Solutions like Lightning Network or rollups handle transactions more efficiently, relieving some of the main chain’s burdens and subsequently settling those transactions on Layer 1. This layered approach facilitates greater transactional throughput.

2. What are the Best Layer 1 Blockchains?

Numerous layer 1 blockchains are actively working on enhancing scalability within their main chains. Among the prominent ones today are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Elrond, Harmony, Celo, THORChain, Kava, IoTeX, Algorand, and Shardeum. Each of these platforms brings unique features and innovations to address the challenges of scalability, security, and decentralization in the blockchain ecosystem.

3. What is the Fastest Layer 1 Blockchain?

Several layer 1 blockchain solutions are actively striving for massive scalability to accommodate a significant increase in Web3 users. Determining the fastest network, balancing scalability and throughput without compromising decentralization and security, is an ongoing process. The evolving landscape of layer 1 blockchains requires continuous observation to assess which networks emerge as leaders in terms of speed and efficiency.

4. What is the Purpose of Layer 1 Blockchain?

The primary purpose of Layer 1 blockchain is to act as the foundational layer in a blockchain system, guaranteeing security, decentralization, and integrity. Serving as the core infrastructure, Layer 1 executes essential consensus mechanisms and directly processes transactions on its main chain. Its role involves establishing trust within the network, validating and permanently recording transactions, and maintaining a consistent and immutable ledger. Layer 1 lays down the fundamental rules and standards, providing the essential stability and reliability for the development of secondary layers and applications within the blockchain ecosystem.

5. How Many Layer 1 Blockchains Exist?

As of today, the blockchain landscape encompasses over 10,000 systems leveraging blockchain technology, and a considerable number of them operate as layer 1 solutions. These layer 1 blockchains form the base for a multitude of decentralized applications, attracting a substantial user base. The ecosystem boasts approximately 81 million crypto wallet users spread across these diverse networks.

16. Conclusion

In this extensive exploration, we’ve delved into the intricate realm of Layer 1 blockchains, the foundational layers that underpin the blockchain landscape. From defining Layer 1 and its pivotal role to uncovering the innovations and solutions driving growth, scalability, and decentralized governance, we’ve traversed the diverse landscapes of Shardeum, Ethereum, and other prominent Layer 1 networks. We’ve witnessed the power of sharding, dissected consensus mechanisms, and explored the expanding universe of blockchain applications. As we stand at the crossroads of blockchain’s evolution, the transition to DAO governance and the quest for scalable, secure, and decentralized solutions remain at the forefront. The dialogue encapsulates the essence of Layer 1 blockchains, their benefits, limitations, and the dynamic landscape they forge. Whether pondering the future of Web3 or contemplating the multitude of Layer 1 choices, this conversation serves as a comprehensive guide through the layers of innovation, governance, and scalability in the blockchain space.

If you are interested in learning more about Shardeum or getting involved in the project, you can join the community on Telegram channel, follow the Twitter page and join the Discord channel. You can also find more information on the Shardeum Website.

Shardeum Rewards Developers for Their Contributions.

Shardeum, the decentralized application platform, is committed to rewarding developers for their contributions to the project. The company offers a variety of community reward programs.

To learn more about the available community reward programs, please visit the Community Reward Programs page.

