How to transform $5 into $10 000

Web-entrepreneur L'argent du net
3 min readFeb 20, 2019


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how it works ?

The Streamreward program offers all the members two available packages of your choice. The first package with an available entry is $5. The cost of the second package is $15.


Let’s consider each package in more detail.
The BASIC program has a total of 5 levels, each level contains a fixed number of members, according to a binary scheme. The payment for the BASIC package is $5. $5 DOLLARS ARE DISTRIBUTED AS FOLLOWS: $2.5 goes to the person who invited you, and $2.5 will be written off by the system for the activation of the first level. Now you can place your advertisement (468х60 banner, 6000 impressions), which will be shown on the site and third-party advertising platforms.

1st level upgrade — $2.5. To earn income, the system activates for you the first level for $2.5 and puts you in the structure of the person who invited you. Then, the system automatically puts two partners under you. (by spillover from the superior sponsors or your invitees), and you receive $2.5 from each one — $5 total. With this money, the system automatically buys level 2 for you from your sponsor with the 2nd level.

To start the program, go here :

2nd level upgrade — $5. When you have the second level, 4 partners enter your structure. These can be members who registered under your link or got into the free space of your structure with spillover. These members are placed on the second line below you. When they begin to acquire the second level, the money will go to you. Each of them pays you $5, of which $2.5 is immediately available for withdrawal, and $2.5 goes to a reserve account and accumulates to transfer to the third level.

3rd level upgrade — $10.
When you have the third level, you have the right to receive money from partners of the third level. There are 8 members below you at the third level. When they will activate the third level, the money for the activation will go to you: $10 for each member. Of which $5 is immediately available for withdrawal, and $5 goes to a reserve account to transfer to the fourth level. When there is $40, the 4th level will activate automatically. 4th level upgrade — $40.

When you have the fourth level, you have the right to receive money from partners of the fourth level. There are 16 members below you at the fourth level. When they activate their fourth level, you will receive money for activation, you will receive $40 for each member. Of which $20 is credited to the withdrawal account, and $20 is credited to the reserve account to activate the fifth level. When you will have $320, you automatically activate the fifth level. This is the last level, now you no longer send anything to anyone, but only make a profit. 5th level upgrade — $320 When you are assigned the fifth level, you get the right to receive money from partners who are at level 5 below you. The number of members at the fifth level is 32. When these people start activating their fifth level, the money will be credited to your account. Each of the 32 partners will send you $320. This money is fully credited to the account for withdrawal.

FINALLY: The fifth level brings you income — $10,240. As a result, once activating a package for $5, you get $10,615 for all 5 levels.

If you share information and people register with your link, your income increases significantly. Since you get a bonus of $2.5 for each personal partner. The more partners you have, the greater your profit.

To start the program, go here :

