Meanwhile at Beat Saber

We’ve been a bit silent about upcoming updates in the game lately. Let's talk!

Beat Games
3 min readJun 18, 2018

There are so many challenges you have to deal with when releasing such a hyped game title [spoiler alert: then challenges grow even exponentially]. Many times you can’t share any exciting news before it’s official, so it might look like you and the team are already gone to Bahamas [spoiler alert 2: we’re not].

Anyway, let's find out what we’ve been working on since the release.

Few months and weeks before an official Beat Saber release, we experienced a very intense push from VR community. We announced an official release date for Early Access version but we knew the game won’t be as perfect as we want. Postpone the release was complete nonsense, only way was to push harder and deliver Beat Saber on time.

We were so grateful for all the positive buzz around the game, but the pressure was insane. None of us ever experienced this before. Just incredible. People were tweeting, sharing and talking about Beat Saber and we had to be sure we deliver the best game possible only in the team of three people. On release day, the game in Early Access was working properly, but we were aware of a few smaller issues in code, which needed to be solved. We decided to release Beat Saber anyway.

And it was huge! The community and the whole VR world was amazed by the game and we knew we have to work hard to make it even better. We decided to get back to those problematic parts of the code and rewrite them. Soon realising it would need a whole refactoring of UI and editor code. To be honest, refactoring took us much longer than we expected and it still requires some more work. But the good thing is that from now on, it will be much easier for us to implement new features or deploy updates and make edits. Now we can focus only on a new content.

Here is only a fragment of what we have been working on so far:

  • Level Editor — we knew for sure it has to work perfectly and look good. With the whole refactoring thing, not that easy tho.
  • Exclusive music content — truly one of our biggest challenges. We’re in touch with several global music labels, looking for fresh new artists. And since Beat Saber became a music platform itself, we decided to found our own music label.
  • LBE licenses — yes, if you want to offer your game to VR arcades, you have to take care of this aspect. Easy task? You bet it’s not!
  • PS VR demo for E3 — huge announcement we couldn’t be more excited about. Since it was top secret, we couldn’t share anything ahead. It required a lot of work and resources. Huge challenge!
  • There were conferences and many other events we had to attend.
  • And million of smaller stuff. When the buzz exploded, we had to take social media, marketing and press seriously. And when new team members joined, we started to take care of new offices, accounting, contracts, invoices, payments… you name it.
Our very first team picture. Yes, we are adorable… Petr (left) wasn't in the picture so we photoshopped him into the pic. #legit

At this moment, we are the team of five and even though we realise everyday it’s still not enough, we love what we do and carry the same passion and excitement. And that’s all that matters. We hope you enjoy playing Beat Saber as much as we enjoy creating it!

Thank you for being with us and being understanding about the fact that not everything can be done in a day and sometimes the good things are just worth waiting for.

