Blockchain Fights Global Warming

CZero Mobility
4 min readMay 6, 2018


CZeroMobility’s blockchain to fight global warming

With an ecosystem that provides advanced and cost-efficient rechargeable batteries for EVs, CZero is on a mission to fight environment’s antagonist — pollution.

The adverse effects caused through excessive carbon emission from an average gasoline-powered vehicle are known to all. Vehicles have become an integral part of our lives that we cannot even afford to stop its utility. But, at the same time, there hasn’t passed a single day when you haven’t heard or read a story on climate-change, global warming and degrading standard of environment.

Thus, CZero’s Electric Vehicles Ecosystem on Blockchain is the need of the hour.

Through our Blockchain Rewarding initiative, we will encourage people to opt for EVs rather than gasoline vehicles. CZero has joined a band of disruptive startups with an aim to solve problems that were previously obstructing the usage of EVs.

CZero itself stands for CARBON-ZERO i.e., completely removing the harmful carbon emissions and introducing a more responsible and comprehensive transport system which in turn will safeguard the environment and act as a key player in fighting global warming.

CZero Coins

Usually about 10 k.g. or 20 pounds of carbon dioxide is produced when a gallon of gasoline is burnt and a normal car 2o miles per gallon. Thus, per mile it is generating about one pound of harmful carbon. This is just a normal figure of one car. You can imagine the amount of carbon millions of cars must be creating every hour of every day.

On the other hand, Electric Vehicles consumes approximately 0.2 kwh electricity per mile. Hence an electric vehicle saves 1 pound of carbon by using 0.2 kwh of electricity.

In accordance to the CZero’s blockchain based reward system, CZERO Tokens will be given to every EV owner per 100 mile travel.

Thus, 1 CZERO Token = 100 pounds of CO2 savings (or 100 mile travel for a normal car)

In order to encourage more people to choose EVs and reduce the carbon emission, CZero’s offers a range of advanced services and solutions in a blockchain rewarding format. Availing the services and driving EVs under CZero’s ecosystems’ specifications will prove to be cost-effective and unburdensome.

Under the flagship of CZero, we offer

Solutions that will reduce the time to charge batteries

We offer a Charging Infrastructure where people will have ease to swap their dried up batteries at charging stations across the cities. This will not just help the owners of the batteries but also the owners of charging stations. CZero will collaborate with existing stations and with an installation of Monitoring system, we will provide rewarding benefits for the stations owners as well.

Making the batteries affordable

Solving the ‘EVs-batteries-are-expensive’ issue, under the CZero ecosystem, we are introducing the concept of battery leasing. Hence taking away the pain of higher electric vehicle costs & maintenance due to the cost of batteries associated.

Convert the existing fossil fuel vehicles into EV’s

It will be easy for people to switch through our advanced ‘ReV”. They can turn their current fossil fuel vehicles into electric vehicles by embedding ReV in their vehicles. This will be one of the biggest step towards increasing the electric mobility.

People won’t have to empty their pockets as our Blockchain rewarding system will offer them ‘eco-coins’ i.e., CZero coins mentioned earlier, on numerous things for example — on the miles run, carbon saved, number of times batteries swapped at stations etc.

Key benefits of CZero’s EV Ecosystem on Blockchain

● 1 CZERO Token = 100 pounds of CO2 savings

● Electric vehicles (EVs) burn no gasoline and have no tailpipe emissions thus more people choosing it certainly indicates a healthier and safer environment.

● Our blockchain-based rewards program will reduce the predominant concern on high end expenses and promote EVs.

● Through our advanced monitoring programme, that stores secure, tracked, transparent transactions and reports of miles travelled, people are ought to gain many reward points without any fraud. This will reduce their expenses at a great extent and boost others to opt for EVs.

● EV owners can save money on battery maintenance costs as the reward tokens provided are redeemable against CZero services like Annual Battery Maintenance Fee, Charging Fee at the Swapping Stations etc. It can mean hundreds of rupees in additional savings per year.

● It is an interlinked reward network, and it has a huge potential to create unique opportunities to offer value-added services to other businesses in the market as well.

We are on a mission to transform the global transportation system, to protect the climate and our environment from the growing risks of fossil fuel usage in vehicles.

