#1 Secret to Achieve Your Goals (Even if You Feel Stuck or Unmotivated)

DeVera Henderson
4 min readMar 13, 2024


Photo by: Zbynek Pospisil from Getty Images

Your stomach drops.

The deadline for your goal came and went.

And you’ve got nothing to show for it. Except a heartful of regret. Another dream added to the casualty list.

You had the perfect plan this time. Knew exactly what you wanted down to the letter. Got started, made some progress — and then bam. Your motivation fizzled out like a bad romance.

Something came up. You couldn’t keep your focus. But the worst part — this isn’t the first time.

You try to comfort yourself. You tell yourself this is the last time. Just like you told yourself well… the last time things didn’t work out.

And it’s not like you’re doing this on purpose. You’ve been trying to break this stop-and-start pattern.

Maybe even for years.

You’ve tried everything too. Everything you could think of to be more consistent. Burning money on the next “big thing”, sacrificing sleep, jumping from one thing to the next.

Nothing works. It’s so frustrating.

“What’s wrong with me?” How many times has that run through your head? Afterall — how can you be back to square one again?

Why do you never seem to finish what you start? Especially when it’s something for you? A goal or a dream that would make your life so much better.

The good news is that nothing is wrong with you. Not even a little bit!

In fact, what you’re experiencing here is very common: a lack of momentum.

Not motivation, willpower or even enthusiasm. Momentum is the ticket.

Why? Motivation, willpower and enthusiasm fade with time. They are finite resources. Once they run out, we get left holding the bag. By relying on these to keep you going, everything you start is doomed to failure.

The path to ensuring your success with anything you start begins with momentum.

Momentum is the holy grail of any successful venture. Why? Because it doesn’t rely on your mood, circumstances or external drivers to keep you going.

It carries us forward and helps keep you focused and productive. Even when you don’t “feel like it”.

So to illustrate this process real-time, I’m using my long term goal to be a prolific writer and author as an experiment.

In the short term, I’m committing to building up my writing skills. For the next 30 days straight, I will be posting on Medium daily.

Will I always post at the same time? Probably not. Will I have some posts that are a little “out there”? Probably yes!

I’m not aiming for “perfect”. I want to be empowered.

Empowered to show up for what matters to me, without getting in my own way. Like I’ve done far too many times to count in the past.

I’m also taking courses to avoid writing pitfalls and learn what works. (We’ll see soon enough haha!) Lastly, I’m using this challenge as motivation and accountability for me to keep showing up! Sharing your goals with others helps make them “real”.

So as I show up and write — you’ll get to look over my shoulder and see what works — and what doesn’t. You’ll get to see my messy beginning, and (hopefully) classier version of my writing 30 days from now.

I plan to continue writing long after these 30 days. But I’m choosing to make a smaller commitment right now.

This way I can refine my skills, and get a better idea if this style of writing is for me. Once my thirty days are up, I will either recommit or begin a new experiment.

I hope my journey serves as inspiration for you to get started taking action on your goals too! And that our journey together helps serve as accountability as well.

Comment your goals below!

There’s still a bit of Pisces season left — but we’re rapidly approaching the Spring Equinox. We begin the next Zodiac Cycle starting in Aries on 3/20/2024. Aries is the initiator. The beginning. The planting of the seeds (ideas) we want to nurture.

If you’ve been feeling the itch to tackle something new, or restart something you never quite finished — now’s the time to get your ducks in a row.

And to wrap up Pisces Season, I’ll share the 4 Momentum Factors over the next few days. That way you can jump into Aries Season and take off like a rocket!

Tomorrow will start with the first piece of momentum: Focus.



DeVera Henderson

On a mission to help lightworks align with their purpose. Personal development is my jam - woo woo & science! Healing the world one resolved shadow at a time.