Stasis Gaming — Better Gaming.

Stasis Gaming
3 min readOct 17, 2018


It’s hard to argue that the gaming world we love so much isn’t perfect.

From our multiplayer online battle arenas, action RPGs, first and third person shooters, the simulations — even mobile games for when we’re on the go needing our fix.

We’re spoilt for choice — with titles like League of Legends, Fortnite, CS-GO, and DOTA.

As gamers and consumers, we have it good; we get to spend our time choosing from the vast selection of games we love.

Our downtime is spent engulfed in digital beauty and excitement. Where wonderful colors and pixels come together forming frames per second, all which get absorbed by our visual and auditory cortex — giving us pleasure!

We take on roles and morph into characters, building our reputation and respect through practice, skill, and time spent in game. We have a network of friends, always building relationships with those who share our passion and relate to us!

Then there’s the technical side, our love of constantly tuning and upgrading our machines, just to keep our edge and stay competitive!

But we love it, gaming’s our hobby — it makes us feel good!

You see, these bright lights, gunfire, demons, and magic spells all spark the fire within us!

Though to maintain the gamer lifestyle — upgrading hardware, software, time spent in game.. It all costs money, and sometimes lots of it.

So we sat down here at Stasis Gaming and poised the question to ourselves.

Is gaming perfect?

Pondering this question we stumbled over an obvious speed bump — one we’ve set the wheels in motion to solve.

See, the answer to the question above has nothing to do with us — the user and the gamer.

The problem stems from an outdated governance model focusing on capital flow through consumerism and user consumption.

The end game of this current model leaves the user out of pocket, with a lighter feeling wallet — every time.

So how do we fix this? Firstly — Welcome to Stasis Gaming, the future of universal Blockchain gaming.

We have one mission statement — to improve our end users gaming experience and lifestyle.

At STASIS we have redesigned the gaming machine to give back to the most important cog in motion, you — the gamer!

We’ve done this by utilizing blockchain technology as our business’ backbone. We have created an immutable ecosystem that rewards gamers for good behavior, their skill set, and time spent in game. These rewards come in the form of SAS coins, which can then be used to purchase or bid on top of the line hardware such as mouses, keyboards, headsets, accessories and more through our inbuilt marketplace stocked by our good friends and partners at Bloody Gaming.

SAS coins will also be tradable for other cryptocurrencies — Save em up!

In terms of development progress, our BETA is running and being privately tuned on our test-net as we speak. We will be opening our testing to a select community of early adopters soon, once we finalize this model — currently, our testers will likely be rewarded a bounty for helping shape gaming’s new future, as well as being the first Stasis Gaming users.

We are very excited about this next twelve months in the Gaming and Blockchain spaces. Stasis has real business utility and application — we firmly believe gamers will lead the way and STASIS will lead the charge!

We have some great milestones coming in the near future — opening BETA testing to the wider community, our bounty program, an ambassador program, pro sponsorship and eventually — our Main Net Launch!

We welcome you all to share in this excitement and journey with us!

For more information please head over to us on,

Website —
Whitepaper V1.8.1 —
Telegram —
Discord —
Platform demo —
Interview —

Look forward to meeting you all,

Lots of love,

