How to buy our tokens

Countinghouse Fund
3 min readApr 1, 2018


It’s a matter of days now until our ICO launches. The Countinghouse team is looking forward to some Easter revelry and a nice, relaxing long weekend before the frenzy of a pre-sale begins. For those new to ICOs and smart-contracts, I thought it would be good to outline how to go about investing in the crypto world. For experienced crypto-investors; please note we are using Metamask for added security.

The ICO tokens are purchased through Ethereum (ETH). To do this, you will first need enough ETH in your wallet to buy your desired amount of Countinghouse tokens (CHT). Then follow the following steps to ensure you get your tokens after the launch is complete.

MetaMask Method

Step 1- Download Metamask and either use the Metamask default wallet or import your existing MEW

Step 2- Once the ICO countdown ends, the counter would have disappeared and it will now show both the Contract Address and the Method ID. Click ‘Send’ on Metamask, then put the contract address in the address field, the amount you want to invest in the amount field and the Method ID in the transaction data field (this MUST be done)


Step 3- Press next and then up the Gas Limit to 350,000 and put the Gas Price up to 21 GWEI. Then press submit. These measures will help ensure your tokens are allocated as fast as possible.

Once the transaction is confirmed on the Blockchain, the Smart Contract will assign you some tokens, which will automatically be sent to your wallet on the 15th of May.

My Ether Wallet Method

This method is very similar to the MetaMask method except you have to click the ‘Advanced: Add Data’ button. Once again, it is a matter of inputing the contract address into the address field, the MethodID into the data field, the gas limit to 350,000 and putting the amount you want to invest into the amount field. Easy really!


That’s it, really. Just make sure you put the Method ID in the transaction data field, or you won’t receive your tokens. Using Metamask adds an extra layer of security, ensuring the tokens are sent to the right wallet address!

We’ve let our web-team know that there will be high demand on the day, but if you experience any website loading delay, please be patient. A lot of investors have expressed interest in the pre-sale bonus, so it’s first-come, first served.

Get on it!

