Grief & The Woman’s Life Cycle

7 min readMay 18, 2022

“You will experience the triple Goddess — Maiden, Mother, and Crone. These phases are symbolic to, not just your own life, but life as a whole. Birth, life, and death. As women, it is important to understand you are the cycle.” Emma Mildon.

The moon cycle reflects our intrinsic experiences of birth, life and death. Abed Ismail on Unsplash

Throughout the last two years I have experienced tangible bereavement through the loss of relatives who have transitioned and relationships which have come to an end. I have also experienced grief through symbolic deaths of changing homes, geographical locations, and work. These experiences have re-triggered childhood wounds around grief and invited me me into deep moments of contemplation around the nature of grief and my relationship with it. This has illuminated for me the intimate relationship which Women have with birth, life and death. Just like the moon phases, the feminine cycles are built around the natural occurrence of beginnings, endings and the phases in between.

Women ARE the cycle.

Many Women experience the monthly cycle of bleeding, the opportunity for conception followed by the shedding and release of what no longer serves, should impregnation not occur. Women’s bodies experience grief every single month, evidenced in the emotional and biological symptoms of the menstrual cycle. Whether consciously or unconsciously, Women embody the dance between birth, life and death every…

