Having Challenging Conversations

6 min readFeb 27, 2023

An inevitability of authentically living in freedom.

We have to be willing to get edgy with our lives (Photo by Joseph Pearson on Unsplash)

Lately my life is filled with challenging conversations. I used to swing like a pendulum between the two, either running for the hills in avoidance or exploding in a volcanic reaction. I’ve also used humour as a sweet distraction, steering the conversations away from me having to share what’s truly on my heart.

I’m not alone. On the pathway of committing to my authenticity through deconditioning and unravelling societies ‘should’ knots; supporting other Women on this pathway too. Its’ apparent that challenging conversations are an inevitability of inside-out, authentic living and freedom. This is really all freedom is, the ability to be who we truly are, feel what we truly feel, speak what we truly want to say, in that moment.

I was watching a story this week by a Human Design Mentor who was sharing one of the consistent themes across the clients she works with is this fear of the life they really want.

Why are we afraid of the life we really want?

I believe one of the reasons we fear the life we want is because we anticipate the challenging conversations along the way. When we speak out and take actions aligned with our authentic heart desires, it evokes resistance from those perhaps still enchanted by…

