Financing of the Jibbit app and the marketplace ensured by investors - Black Jibbit Week 100% Token Bonus

2 min readNov 19, 2018


Hello community, investors and partners, we have some very good news for the community. Our App and also the marketplace are nearing completion and fully funded.

Jibbit Marketplace

We also reduced the hardcap to $ 3mio to make the project more interesting for investors. We have also extended the sale until 15.03.2019.

Jibbit App

The Jibbit Token will be available in the future …we will announce the status of the sales after the sale.

Cannabis Patient ID Card

We are currently in negotiations with strategic partners who want to invest in Jibbit. We plan to generate sales of more than € 1mil in 2019 and aim for market leadership in Germany with our product.

We say thank you for your support with our new special Deal.

Black Jibbit Week- 100 % Token Bonus

Your Jibbit team




Jibbit creates an ecosystem network to connect the worldwide cannabis community with the crypto world (200m +).