7 Ways To Remove Negative Energy

I Believe in Mother Nature
2 min readMay 13, 2019


We all can appreciate the beautiful healing energy of spending time in nature, away from civilization. But eventually, we have to come home. When we compare the sense of peace and connectedness, we feel in nature, and to the stress and noise and bustle of the city, we know internally that there is a difference. Part of the difference is the energy programmed into the physical objects of these places. Nature, in general, has more positive energy than our homes or cities.

Reasons Nature’s Energy is Positive

  • There are fewer people around in nature, so it is more isolated from people’s thoughts. Thoughts are energy. Thought energy attaches to the physical objects near the origin of those thoughts. Negative thought energy creates stronger energy patterns and remains longer than positive thought energy. Worry, fear, and stress last longer than love, peace, and happiness.
  • Sunlight is a stream of positive energy that washes away any negative energy. It’s like pouring cold pure mountain stream water onto a sponge. The sponge has rinsed off anything it has collected. When was the last time you were depressed after a day at the beach?
  • Nature is usually filled with plants. Plants give off positive energy. They are alive, so they put out a positive vibration, but plants don’t think so they don’t put out any negative thoughts the way people do. Plants don’t’ worry about jobs, or bills or relationships.

Before we can start filling our homes with positive energy, we need to remove any accumulation of negative energy. So here is a list of seven simple, proven techniques that you can use to remove negative energy from any space:

7 Ways to Remove Negative Energy…

Read more here https://www.ibelieveinmothernature.com/my-tips/7-ways-to-remove-negative-energy/



I Believe in Mother Nature

Healing powers of mother nature. A place to find incredible natural remedies for health and vitality. Keep your body and soul at your peak.