RIIAA 4.0 is here!

4 min readAug 5, 2021


We’re just one month away from the fourth edition of the International Meeting on Artificial Intelligence and its Applications, RIIAA 4.0! In this article, we share what’s new and coming up for this new edition to be celebrated virtually on August 25 to 27, 2021 in Hopin (registration link).

Throughout 2021, we at RIIAA have been hard at work brainstorming and refining our conference format in order to bring to our community the best and more innovative AI conference experience online. All of this, while continuing to fulfill our distinctive goals of catalyzing AI in Latam by advancing local AI education and its application, and connecting with local and international communities.

Our efforts on this new edition are mostly reflected by increasing RIIAA’s scope with new panels, and interactive activities, which we envision will enhance the participants’ experience through providing more opportunities to collaborate.

Below, we share the new activities that are coming for this edition!

We know that collaborating can be difficult, for this we have adopted the concept of “request for plot” (RFP) or (“call for figures”) from mlcollective.org as a type of “currency” for research ideas. A call for a figure is a sketch of the idea that could be generated as evidence for or against the idea and to be used as a basis for starting an investigation. Potential collaborators can then try to create this figure as a first step in starting a collaboration.

If you have an idea and would you like to pitch it, contact the organizers to send your information. Then you would have a 3–5 minute talk to search for collaborators among the audience.

If someone is interested in any idea, during the event they will have the chance to collaborate on developing it!

This event is hosted by Pablo Samuel Castro and Benjamín Sánchez-Lengeling, research scientists at Google Research-Brain team.

  • AI Demo showcase

The showcase features demos from across different areas of AI. This session is particularly focused on showcasing the power of state-of-the-art AI technology being applied to different domains, such as robotics, speech, and predictive coding. The session provides a lens into how AI is transforming our world for the benefit of humankind.

This event is hosted by Rodolfo Corona (PhD student at UC Berkeley in BAIR) and Luz Angélica Caudillo (R&D Scientist at MDA). Social impact Hackathon

  • Hackathon — “JusticIA para los desaparecidos” (“Justice for the missing ones”),

Our first hackathon! Our goal is to develop AI-based solutions for the analysis of thousands of relevant documents from the period of political repression in Mexico (1964–1985) to clarify the fate of pregnant victims of forced disappearance.

This event is co-organized by The National Search Commission, CIMAT (Mathematics Research Center in Mexico), and the Organizing Committee of RIIAA

Partners and awards sponsors: Talentum and Ai Lab School.

Regarding the Summer School, this year 30 workshops will be held during August 25–26 covering the following fields:

  • Optimization
  • Computer Vision
  • Statistical Theory
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Applications
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Soft skills

In August 27, we will be hosting the main conference with keynotes presentations by:

Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Montreal. His main research is focused on Applied Machine Learning in banking and in responsible investment. researcher affiliated at OBVIA, I am also involved in the ongoing worldwide discussion around AI Ethics and AI application to achieve sustainable development goals.

Senior Engineering Manager at Google AI. She leads the robot-mobility group, which focuses on improving robot motion planning, navigation, and locomotion, using reinforcement learning. She was also a lead with Speech@Google for 7 years, where she drove multiple research and engineering efforts that enabled Ok Google, the Google Assistant, and Voice-Search.

We have also organized panels, community circles and poster sessions.

  • Panels with the following topics:
  1. Digital Transformation in Government
  2. Ethics in AI
  3. The Role of AI in Disinformation
  4. Leveraging Data and Analytics to Solve Challenges in the Pandemic
  5. Effects of AI in the Workforce
  6. Diversifying AI

The RIIAA Community Circles (CirCos), inspired by Birds of Feather (BoF), seeks to build and strengthen the community in Latin American interested in AI topics through parallel, interactive, informal and self-organized sessions. CirCos provide a space for interested attendees to meet in small groups to exchange ideas and to form allies on issues of common interest.

This year we’ll have 18 Community Circles, all proposed and organized by active members of the Latin American AI community.

An opportunity for students, practitioners, researchers and teachers to share their work. In particular, it is an occasion to receive feedback, make your first presentation at a congress, find potential collaborators, present exploratory work or polish work in progress for eventual publication.

We will have three work tracks with three posters per track:

  1. New data and explorations
  2. Machine learning and deep learning
  3. Applications

We are extremely excited and we can’t wait to see you at RIIAA 4.0 to continue growing this amazing community!

Webpage: Riiaa.org

Facebook: riiaa.org

Twitter: riiaa_mex

Instagram: riiaa_org

LinkedIn: RIIAA


Github: riiaa




RIIAA brings together the Latin American AI ecosystem, emphasizing the interaction between academy, industry and government, in order to catalyze the use of AI.