企業品牌的字體:每位設計師都需要知道的 4 大觀察 Fonts in Corporate Branding: 4 Essential Insights Every Designer Needs to Know

Monotype APAC
7 min readJan 18, 2024


背景 — 在競爭激烈的市場中,品牌以字體來提升影響力

Background — In the competitive business market, companies are using fonts to enhance their brand influence.


In the competitive business environment, brands around the world are facing pressure to break through obstacles and find new opportunities, strategies, or methods for making significant progress. As a result, businesses are actively seeking opportunities in expanding overseas markets. Whether they are rooted in their local market or exploring international opportunities, brands prioritize the visual experience of consumers and focus on improving product packaging and appearance, optimizing online shopping experiences, and enhancing social media promotion.

過去的一年中,我們經常聽到一些企業更換了 logo,甚至整套品牌字體,或者推出了客製字體的消息。企業更加熱衷於利用字體這種具有表現力的方式來傳達品牌力量,推動業績增長。

In the past year, we have often heard news of companies changing their logos, or even their entire brand fonts, or launching custom fonts. Companies are increasingly utilizing the expressive power of fonts to convey their brand strength and drive business growth.

隨著企業對品牌形象的重視程度日益提高,越來越多的本土品牌開始關注海外市場,同時也出現了越來越多的新興品牌。品牌設計師也熱衷探索字體的重要性。那麼,我們可以從中感受到哪些趨勢?一起來看看這 4 個與字體相關的觀察。

As companies place a growing importance on brand image, more and more local brands are paying attention to overseas markets, leading to an increase in emerging brands. At the same time, there is a growing trend among brand designers to explore the importance of fonts. So what trends can we observe? Let’s take a look at these four observations related to brand fonts.


Observation 1: Embedding fonts into websites and applications to present users with more unique text.

隨著行銷和傳播媒介的多元化,對於網頁和應用程式的字體嵌入需求急速增加。簡單來說,品牌希望在受眾看到的網頁和應用程式中,能以特定的字體呈現文字,而不是依賴用戶本地預裝的字體。例如,CASETiFY 和 ASUS 的網頁嵌入了 Neue Helvetica 字體,即使用戶設備上沒有安裝這款字體,網站所有的文字也能以這種字體顯示,從而提升網頁的視覺效果。

With the diversification of marketing and communication media, the demand for font embedding in websites and applications is rapidly increasing. In simple terms, brands want the specific fonts to be displayed in the web pages and applications that their audience sees, rather than relying on the fonts pre-installed on the user’s device. For example, the webpages of CASETiFY and ASUS embed the Neue Helvetica font, so even if the user’s device does not have these fonts installed, all text on the website will be displayed in these fonts, thus enhancing the visual effect of the webpage.

CASETiFY 網頁嵌入了 Neue Helvetica 字體 |CASETiFY’s website embeds the Neue Helvetica font
ASUS 印度網頁嵌入了 Neue Helvetica 字體 |ASUS India website embeds the Neue Helvetica font
文華東方酒店集團網頁嵌入了 Linotype Didot Pro 字體 |Mandarin Oriental website embeds the Linotype Didot Pro font


Monotype uses subsetting technology to improve the loading speed of Chinese web pages.


Although web font technology has been around for many years, it has not yet reached a widespread level for Chinese web pages. One of the reasons is that Chinese fonts have larger file sizes compared to English fonts, so embedding them directly into a webpage can affect its loading speed. Additionally, when the font file is fully downloaded, the text on the webpage may suddenly change. However, this issue has been solved through the use of font subsetting techniques.


In addition, there are other advantages to using web fonts. In traditional web pages, the text in a carousel is usually considered as part of an image. However, when using web fonts, the text can exist as a separate element on the webpage. This is not only beneficial for SEO optimization, but also allows for dynamic text display. For companies with custom fonts, the website can also embed the custom font files to ensure brand consistency and benefit from the technology of web fonts.

太古地產的網頁使用蒙納黑體(M Hei)以支援繁體中文和簡體中文
Swire Properties’ website uses the M Hei font to support both traditional and simplified Chinese characters
Coach 的繁體網頁嵌入蒙納盈黑(繁體)和 Helvetica 字體
Coach’s traditional Chinese website embeds M Hei and Helvetica fonts


Observation 2: As companies expand their business to overseas markets, global language fonts have become a must-have element.

隨著字體的關鍵作用愈來愈顯著,品牌對字體的需求也變得更加越來越精確、具體和完善。首先,品牌需要有支持更多語言的字體。東南亞、南亞和中東等地區成為許多企業拓展海外市場的目標,品牌希望有更優質的字體支持當地語言,甚至是客製化字體。蒙納旗下的 Neue Frutiger World 和 Avenir Next World 字體就可以支持多文種,包括英文、中文、日文和印地文等。這樣的字體可以滿足品牌在不同地區的需求,同時也提升了品牌形象。

As the critical role of fonts becomes more prominent, the demand for fonts from brands has become more precise, specific, and comprehensive. Firstly, brands need fonts that support more languages. Southeast Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East are becoming popular targets for companies expanding into overseas markets. Brands want high-quality fonts that support local languages, and even custom fonts. Monotype’s Neue Frutiger World and Avenir Next World fonts can support multiple languages, including Hindi, English, Chinese, and Japanese. These fonts can meet the needs of brands in different regions and enhance their brand image.

蒙納為小米定制了 MiSans Global 中的多文種字體
Monotype has customized various scripts for the Xiaomi MiSans Global font

二、企業對於拉丁文或多文種字體的需求,不只是「可用」,還要「美觀、實用」。除了經典款字型,像是 Gilroy 這樣的「新星」也受到許多品牌的青睞。例如, 太陽能發電機製造商 Jackery 及旗下的家電品牌 Eufy 也選用 Gilroy 作為品牌字體。

Second, companies not only need fonts that can support multiple languages, but they also want fonts that are visually appealing and functional in order to enhance their brand image. Fonts like Gilroy, which have gained popularity in recent years, are often chosen by brands for their modern and stylish appearance. For example, Jackery, a pioneer of the solar generator industry and a top-selling solar generator brand, and its home appliance brand Eufy have chosen Gilroy as their brand font.

Jackery 的網站嵌入了 Gilroy 字體
Jackery’s website embeds Gilroy font
Jackery 旗下的家電品牌 Eufy 在其網站上使用 Gilroy 字體
The home appliance brand Eufy, under the umbrella of Jackery, uses the Gilroy font on its website


Thirdly, making fonts a part of the product. For some products, fonts are almost the only visual element in their appearance. In this case, fonts naturally become a part of the product, such as labels on storage cards, repeated company logos on tapes, or markings on electronic devices.

Lexar 雷克沙記憶卡上採用了 Avenir 字體 Lexar flash memory cards use the Avenir font

觀察三:字體訂閱模式更新 提升授權成本效益

Observation 3: Font subscription model improves cost-effectiveness of licensing.


Perhaps a company’s brand policy specifies the use of a particular font, but there are also companies that are open to font “diversity” for more flexible brand management.

「多品牌化」是經典的商業策略,品牌設計師為了讓母公司和子公司具備不同的品牌個性,會盡可能運用不同的視覺處理方式,使其產生明顯區別:包括獨特風格的 logo,品牌專有的主題色等等。

“Diversification” is a classic business strategy, where brand designers try to use different visual treatments to create distinct brand personalities for the parent company and its subsidiaries. This includes unique logo styles, brand-specific colors, and more.

傳音(Transsion)是非洲銷量第一的中國手機品牌,其品牌官網嵌入了 FF Mark 字體,而旗下子品牌網站 TECNO 選用了 Herme Geometric Sans。傳音通過字體風格的切換實現了品牌形象的區隔。

Transsion is the top-selling Chinese mobile phone brand in Africa, and their official website uses the FF Mark font, while their sub-brand website TECNO uses the Herme Geometric Sans font. Transsion has achieved brand differentiation through font style switching.

Different fonts are used on websites of various brands under Transsion Holdings

除了國際品牌企業,出版社和文化創意產業也是高度依賴字體的行業,需要的字體數量可以上百上千。此時,「為單款字體支付年費」的傳統授權模式似乎變得局限,而 Monotype Fonts 提供的授權方式可以讓企業根據合約上的期限,更換他們所需要的字體,這種方式更適合那些需要大量不同字體的企業或行業。更方便的是,這些字體就算來自不同廠商,也只需一份合同,涵蓋所有的字體授權。

In addition to multi-brand companies, the publishing and cultural and creative industries also heavily rely on fonts, with a need for hundreds or thousands of fonts. However, the traditional licensing model of “paying an annual fee for a single font” can be limiting. Monotype Fonts offers a licensing method that allows companies to subscribe to a certain number of fonts and change them on a regular basis, making it a better fit for those with a high demand for various fonts. Additionally, all font licenses can be covered under one contract, even if they come from different vendors. This is especially beneficial for companies or industries with a high demand for various fonts.


This is one of the most efficient and cost-effective font platforms we have ever used!

- 聯合培進教育出版 United Prime

這樣的訂閱付費模式讓企業在使用字體時更具靈活性。例如,當企業需要使用不同風格或語言的字體時,他們可以根據需求隨時更換字體,而不需要支付額外的費用或處理繁瑣的授權協議。另外,獨立字體設計師們也將從中受益,他們可以在 Monotype Fonts 上銷售字體,獲得更加穩定的收入來源。長遠來看,也有利於催生更優質的字體作品。

作為一家新興創意企業,我們經常需要找不同的字體廠商購買版權,耗時且耗力。 但是訂閱 Monotype Fonts 後,我們就能以一份合約,一次過獲得不同字體廠商的授權。無需再次簽個別合同,的確省時省力。

As an emerging creative company, we often need to approach different font vendors to purchase licenses, which can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. However, by subscribing to Monotype Fonts, we can obtain licensing from multiple font vendors in one contract. There is no need to sign separate contracts, which indeed saves time and effort.

- POP MART 泡泡瑪特


Observation 4: Even emerging brands are willing to invest in fonts

和圖片、音樂等創意元素一樣,字體的授權費用不算廉價。但驚喜的是,許多新興品牌從創立之初就注重利用字體美學營造獨特的品牌觀感,如樂器品牌拿火吉他 ( Lava Music) 以字體成為品牌的視覺趣味焦點。

Similar to images and music, font licensing fees can be quite expensive. However, surprisingly, many emerging brands have been focusing on utilizing font aesthetics to create a unique brand image since their inception. For example, the musical instrument brand “Lava Music” uses fonts as the visual focal point of its brand image.

樂器品牌「拿火吉他」 ( Lava Music) 國際版網頁嵌入 Helvetica Now Display 字體
The musical instrument brand “Lava Music” international website uses the Helvetica Now Display font

總結 Summary


With complex and ever-changing market dynamics, rapidly evolving design trends, and constantly advancing technology, these four observations may not cover all major trends. However, it is clear that fonts have transitioned from being a mere “nice-to-have” to being a “must-have,” and in some cases, even taking on the role of the “main brand character.” Companies and brands will have a better understanding of fonts and ultimately benefit from their use.

聯絡我們,立即體驗 Monotype Fonts:Contact_apac@monotype 或填寫表格 https://bit.ly/4aQODmK

