美妝界的字體力量:10 個案例揭開彩妝與個人護理品牌的視覺魅力 Font Power in the Beauty Industry: 10 Case Studies Unveiling the Visual Charm of Makeup and Personal Care Brands

Monotype APAC
9 min readJan 25, 2024


導讀 Introduction:


Cosmetics and skincare brands have fashion and beauty as their core qualities. From brand recognition to product design, from physical materials to digital screens, the style presented by the brand at various touchpoints and media directly influences consumers’ perception and perception of the brand.


However, in the world of visual design, the choice of fonts plays a crucial role, particularly for cosmetics and skincare brands where fonts are an indispensable element. Many brands use text as their brand logo and carefully select fonts to convey the appropriate style and personality.


In this article, we will delve into the visual designs of ten well-known global makeup and skincare brands’ official websites. We will explore how they use fonts to showcase unique concepts and examine how these designs cater to audience preferences and values.

堅持品牌核心價值 Upholding Brand Core Values


Cosmetics and personal care brands are deeply connected to consumers’ daily lives, and those that stand out among competitors often have a distinct personality. Font choices are carefully made to align with brand styles or carry forward the visual tone established by the logo.

以字體展現獨特的品牌風格 Expressing Unique Brand Styles Through Fonts


Many brands carefully choose fonts to showcase their distinctive style and personality. They hold high standards for fonts and are willing to invest in high-quality options. In recent years, collaborations with font foundries have become increasingly popular, offering brands the opportunity to customize their own unique and differentiated fonts.

經典與創新共融 Harmonizing Classic and Innovative Fonts

Optima、Helvetica、Futura 等經典拉丁字體仍是一線彩妝及護膚品牌的寵兒。然而,值得一提的是,許多品牌也開始大膽嘗試更具風格的新興字體,以詮釋獨特的品牌理念。

While classic fonts like Optima, Helvetica, and Futura continue to hold a special place in the hearts of brands, many are pushing the boundaries and embracing new typographic trends. These fresh and contemporary fonts allow brands to differentiate themselves and create a visual language that aligns with their modern brand identity.

1|Estée Lauder 雅詩蘭黛

字體 Font(s): Optima + Akzidenz-Grotesk

Estée Lauder(雅詩蘭黛)品牌於 1946 年創立,經過半個多世紀的發展,以領先科技和優良效果在全球彩妝和個人護理市場上廣受讚譽。品牌創始人Estée Lauder夫人的勤奮和智慧也在商業史上留下了美麗的傳奇。

The Estée Lauder brand was founded in 1946 and has gained worldwide acclaim in the cosmetics and personal care market for its advanced technology and superior results. The diligence and wisdom of the brand’s founder, Mrs. Estée Lauder, have also left a beautiful legacy in business history.

Estée Lauder 的官方網站選擇了兩款相當古老的字體來搭配。在標題部分,使用了 Optima 字體,這是一種備受彩妝品牌青睞的字體。Optima 是一款經典的人文主義字體,具有均衡的設計比例和高對比度的筆劃,風格優雅、設計精美。

The official website of Estée Lauder incorporates two rather classical fonts. For the headings, the Optima typeface is used, which is a favored choice among cosmetic brands. Optima is a classic humanist font with balanced design proportions and high-contrast strokes, exuding elegance and exquisite craftsmanship.

而正文部分則採用了 Akzidenz-Grotesk 字體,這是一款清晰簡明、帶有一股圓鈍感的字體。它是當今使用最古老的現代主義無襯線字體之一,對許多後來的經典拉丁文字體的誕生產生了影響。

For the body text, they opted for the Akzidenz-Grotesk typeface, a clear and concise font with a rounded feel. It is one of the oldest modernist sans-serif fonts still in use today and has influenced the creation of many subsequent classic Western typefaces.


The combination of these two fonts complements each other, offering clarity and sophistication while highlighting the brand’s historical charm.

2|LA MER 海洋拉娜

字體 Font(s): Neue Haas Unica

知名護膚品牌 LA MER 海洋拉娜的官方網站設計中,首先使用了客製的品牌襯線字體作為標題字體,為視覺設計奠定了基調。而在正文部分,則選擇了一款極簡中性的無襯線字體 Neue Haas Unica。

The official website design of the renowned skincare brand LA MER features a custom brand serif font for the headline, setting the tone for the visual design. In the body text, they chose the minimalist and neutral sans-serif font Neue Haas Unica.

這款字體有一個有趣的故事。作為 Helvetica 的替代字體,Haas Unica 曾經非常受歡迎,但最終逐漸被人遺忘。然而,數十年後,前蒙納設計師大曲都市(Toshi Omagari)將這款字體重新搬上了數碼時代的舞台,誕生了 Neue Haas Unica。它保留了清晰易辨的結構,同時具有更柔和和舒適的個性,使其成為 LA MER 定制襯線字體的完美搭配。

This font has an interesting story. As a substitute for Helvetica, Haas Unica was once very popular but gradually forgotten. However, decades later, the former Monotype designer Toshi Omagari brought this font back to the digital era, giving birth to Neue Haas Unica. It retains a clear and distinct structure while possessing a softer and more comfortable personality, making it a perfect match for LA MER’s custom serif font.

3|Maybelline 媚比琳

字體 Font(s): Neue Helvetica

自1917年成立以來,Maybelline 媚比琳已成為享有傳奇地位的全球彩妝品牌。該品牌以其積極進取和創新的理念而聞名,其官方網站也體現了這一精神。該網站結合了寬體和窄體字體,僅使用Neue Helvetica字體家族,以纖細和粗實的字重勇敢地呈現多樣豐富的視覺效果。

Since its establishment in 1917, Maybelline has become a globally renowned cosmetics brand with a legendary status. The brand is recognized for its proactive and innovative approach, and its official website reflects this ethos. The website incorporates a combination of wide and narrow fonts, utilizing the Neue Helvetica font family exclusively. By employing both delicate and bold weights, it fearlessly conveys a visually diverse and rich experience.


字體 Font(s): Neue Helvetica

NARS 品牌由法國彩妝大師 François Nars 於1994年創立,其產品和包裝一直秉持著極簡摩登的風格。

NARS, founded by French makeup artist François Nars in 1994, embodies a minimalist and modern style in its products and packaging.

NARS 的標誌採用了 Neue Helvetica 字體,展現出優雅現代的感覺。這種風格貫穿於其官方網站的設計中,從標題到正文,再到細節註腳,都選擇了 Neue Helvetica 字體家族中纖細的字重進行組合搭配。這種設計選擇使得文字清晰易讀,同時展現了時尚經典的特點。

The NARS logo features the Neue Helvetica font, exuding an elegant and contemporary feel. This aesthetic is carried through the design of the official website, where the headings, body text, and even the fine print are all composed using the slender weights from the Neue Helvetica font family. This design choice ensures clear readability while showcasing a sense of fashion and timelessness.

5|Olay 歐蕾

字體 Font(s): Baskerville + ITC Franklin

Olay 作為一個全球知名的護膚品牌,致力於提供科學護膚解決方案。在其官方網站上,Olay 選擇了 Baskerville 和 ITC Franklin 兩款字體進行搭配。

Olay, as a globally renowned skincare brand, is committed to providing scientific skincare solutions. On its official website, Olay has chosen to combine two fonts: Baskerville and ITC Franklin.


Baskerville is a classic transitional serif font known for its high stroke contrast while maintaining excellent legibility. When used in large-scale headings, it exudes an elegant and intellectual style. The choice of this font in the website’s headings highlights the brand’s professional image and conveys its commitment to scientific skincare.

而在正文部分,Olay 選擇了 ITC Franklin 字體。ITC Franklin 作為一款現代無襯線字體的代表作之一,以其隱約的手寫痕跡和相對較窄的結構展現出精巧的個性。這種字體的使用為正文帶來了一種溫和且精緻的感覺,同時與 Baskerville 的過渡風格襯線字體形成了對比,使得品牌的科學、嚴謹和溫和的特質得以鮮明展現。

In the body text, Olay opted for the ITC Franklin font. ITC Franklin, as one of the representative modern sans-serif fonts, showcases a subtle handwritten touch and relatively narrow structure, reflecting its delicate personality. This font choice brings a gentle and refined feel to the body text, creating a contrast with the transitional serif font of Baskerville. This combination allows the brand’s scientific, rigorous, and gentle qualities to shine through.

6|Dove 多芬

字體 Font(s): Helvetica

知名個人護理品牌 Dove(多芬)以「讓美成為自信」作為其產品理念,並在全球多次發起女性品牌活動,鼓勵女性讓美成為自信,而非焦慮的來源。

Dove, a well-known personal care brand, embraces the concept of “ Beauty is not defined by shape, size or colour — it’s authentic, unique, and real. “ They have initiated multiple global campaigns encouraging women to find confidence in their beauty rather than a source of anxiety.

Dove 的官方網站統一使用了極簡中性的 Helvetica 字體。這款字體擁有纖細的字重,與網頁上大量使用的留白和流暢的線條相得益彰,呈現出溫和多元的視覺感受。

Dove’s official website features a unified and minimalist design with the neutral Helvetica typeface. This font, with its delicate weight, harmonizes with the abundant whitespace and smooth lines used throughout the webpage, creating a gentle and diverse visual experience.

7|Avène 雅漾

字體 Font(s): Futura

Avène (雅漾) 原是位於法國西南部的一個古老小鎮,自 1736 年以來因其特殊的泉水而聞名。如今, Avène 依靠其製藥背景成為國際知名的敏感肌膚護理品牌。

Avène, originally a historical town located in the southwest of France, has been renowned since 1736 for its exceptional spring water. Today, Avène has leveraged its pharmaceutical background to become an internationally recognized brand for sensitive skincare products.

在 Avène 官方網站的正文部分,採用了一款同樣古老且強調功能性的字型 — Futura。 Futura字體於 1928 年首次由 Bauer字體鑄造廠推出,被普遍認為是德國包浩斯運動中建構主義導向的主要字體發展。 字體強調功能性和實用性,以最基本的幾何形狀呈現出乾淨、現代的視覺效果。即使經過一個世紀,Futura仍展現出優雅的前瞻性。

On the official website of Avène, the body text section adopts a typeface that shares a similar antiquated and functional emphasis — Futura. First introduced by the Bauer Type Foundry in 1928, Futura is widely regarded as a significant typeface development stemming from the Constructivist orientation of the Bauhaus movement in Germany. The typeface emphasizes functionality and practicality, presenting a clean and modern visual effect through its basic geometric shapes. Even after a century, Futura continues to exude an elegant forward-thinking quality.

8|The Body Shop 美體小鋪

字體 Font(s): Recoleta

The Body Shop 美體小舖是一個源自英國的個護品牌,強調產品及原料的天然健康。該品牌的網頁設計充分展現了其品牌理念,呈現出自然和諧、柔和清新的風格。值得一提的是, The Body Shop 在標題部分選用了一款相當年輕的字體,名為 Recoleta。

The Body Shop is a UK-based personal care brand that emphasizes natural and healthy products and ingredients. The brand’s website design fully embodies its brand philosophy, presenting a natural, harmonious, and softly refreshing style. It’s worth mentioning that The Body Shop uses a rather youthful font called Recoleta in its headings.

Recoleta 這款字體融合了20世紀70年代主流字體風格的元素,如 Cooper 柔和的字形和 Windsor 中流暢的筆畫。這種結合使得 Recoleta 字體既保留了熟悉的傳統意味,又帶有新鮮的現代風格。它與 The Body Shop 網頁整體風格和諧搭配,同時能夠恰如其分地強調關鍵訊息。

Recoleta combines elements of popular typeface styles from the 1970s, such as the gentle letterforms of Cooper and the smooth strokes of Windsor. This fusion allows the Recoleta font to retain a sense of familiarity and tradition while also incorporating a fresh modern style. It harmoniously complements the overall style of The Body Shop’s website and effectively highlights key messages.

9| Benefit

字體 Font(s): Sahara Bodoni + Gotham

Benefit 的視覺設計完美呼應了他們充滿舊金山風格、快樂行事和大膽彩妝的品牌理念。

在標題部分,選擇了筆劃對比極大的粗襯線字體 Sahara Bodoni,展現力量感的同時保持優雅的風格。

正文則搭配了經典的無襯線字體 Gotham,它代表著美國的設計風格,恰如其分地暗示了 Benefit 品牌大膽創意的彩妝風格。

The visual design of Benefit perfectly embodies their brand philosophy of embracing the vibrant spirit of San Francisco, joyful experiences, and bold makeup choices.

In the headline section, they chose the Sahara Bodoni typeface, which has contrasting strokes, to showcase a sense of power while maintaining an elegant style.

For the body text, they paired it with the classic sans-serif typeface Gotham, which represents American design style and appropriately implies Benefit’s brand of bold and creative makeup.

10|AVON 雅芳

字體 Font(s):Proxima Nova

AVON (雅芳) 的創立可以追溯到創辦人從隨書附送的香箋中獲得的靈感。AVON包含香水、個人護理、彩妝和時尚等產品,其品牌理念專注於為女性營造美麗、自信和力量,並打破刻板印象。

The story of Avon can be traced back to the inspiration its founder gained from the scented notes included with books. Avon encompasses a wide range of products, including fragrances, personal care items, cosmetics, and fashion. The brand’s philosophy revolves around creating beauty, confidence, and empowerment for women while breaking stereotypes.

AVON 的官方網站選用了 Proxima Nova 字體,該字體結構平衡、筆劃流暢。設計師 Mark Simonson 將其描述為「始終沒有太多修飾的字體」。這種簡潔現代的無襯線字體不僅確保長段文字極高的可讀性,同時在某種程度上與 AVON「為女性去除刻板印象」的理念相契合。

Avon’s official website has opted for the Proxima Nova font, known for its balanced structure and smooth strokes. Designer Mark Simonson describes it as a font that “never has too many embellishments.” This clean and modern sans-serif font not only ensures excellent readability for long paragraphs but also aligns, to some extent, with Avon’s philosophy of “removing labels for women.”

蒙納產品和服務 Products and Services :

  • Monotype Fonts
    基於雲端的字體平台 Monotype Fonts,讓用家能夠轉鬆尋找、管理、同步和授權字型。150,000 多款經典和熱門高品質字體選擇,如 Helvetica、Arial、Avenir、Din、黑體等。支援繁體中文及多種亞洲語言。兼容 Web、App、eHub 、Adobe 、Figma 等。
    Monotype Fonts is a cloud-based font platform that allows users to easily discover, manage, synchronize, and license typefaces. With over 150,000 classic and popular high-quality font choices, such as Helvetica, Arial, Avenir, Din, and Heiti, it supports Traditional Chinese and various Asian languages. It is compatible with Web, App, eHub, Adobe, Figma, and more.
  • Monotype Studio
    Whether you’re looking to rebrand, update or expand into new territories, or simply create a fresh visual identity, Monotype’s professional designers can assist you in creating unique custom typefaces that align with your brand voice and requirements. Additionally, our font experts will collaborate with you, providing guidance on font selection, pairing, and offering suggestions to ensure both versatility and consistency.

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