Tahoe’s Beauty Springs Forth

K.B. Silver
2 min readApr 18, 2023

Writing Prompt:New Dawn

Image: South Lake Tahoe Ca, K.B. Silver

Upon the first day-spring rays,
Soar and swoop the steely glared Jays

The glistening mists settle through the bouncing pine boughs.
Squirrels swirl round trunks, chittering as they toss down pine cones.

Translucent aromatic sap runs, dribbling, creating a sticky trap.
Fat June bugs lodged in countless tacky nooks hitting every flat surface with a juicy splat.

Lacy blooming shrubs on hillside and beneath the canopy. Preparing elderberries for our winter maladies, growing fat, purple, juicy. Leave them for later, or you find them sour and not a syrupy candidate.

Eddying yellow pollen mandalas splattered across the landscape, every puddle drying to a blazing saffron smear.

Surfing the whirling lupine seas, backstroking through rainbow layers, riding the spiking wave of joyful prayer.

The glorious noontime sun’s yellow glare nearly oppressive, matched in pigment by the daffodil cascade, blazing down the slope like a flow of golden magma.

A racketing slapping projects from the marsh; tails signal rebirth in the basin’s creeks.



K.B. Silver

Words of Truth Poetically Spoken, a memoir told mostly through poetry, and a Sci-Fantasy Romance serial in my pub the Serial Box https://linktr.ee/blockwife