Developer Log #1

Flare Studios.
2 min readApr 13, 2020


We at Flare Studios. develop our new game FLARE: The Game every day. Under massive development, we find bugs and new features that make the game better.

You may ask, what is Flare Studios.?

  • Flare Studios. is an independent game development studio made in 2020. Our goal is to create games with value, and our motto is

Games with value, play them and don’t get tired. We make your future games, that ends in your library.”

We base our games of what doesn’t exist from before; we try to make a unique experience for the player with unusual gameplay.

Also, what is this game, FLARE: The Game?

  • FLARE is an upcoming game releasing at the end of 2020, latest early 2021. You and 14 other contestants will be flown to an island in the middle of the Atlantic while you perform on a gameshow. What will your goal be, you may ask? You are to escape the island and become the biggest fan favourite among the viewers. Only four of you can escape and to escape you need to fight some evil monsters that carry a “relic” which you need to be taken into the helicopter and flown to shore.
  • While you are playing in this game, active viewers will view you and others in the game and vote for the favourite. But while performing there is going to be obstacles like monsters trying to eat and kill you. Be careful and don’t get bitten.
Stage #1 of graphics and map

Graphics & Stage #1

  • Graphics is what attracts a player to a game; this is what we at FLARE find very important for people to be able to enjoy the game to the max. Above you find a picture from our current stage in development which are based on multiplayer networking, graphics and the map you will be playing on.
A preview from the development of how lockpicking works

Lockpicking and other features

  • You may find it easy to obtain objects and weapons on the island, but it is not. To get access to some real power, you need to go through obstacles like lockpicking and fighting.

Development Log #1 Summary

  • So far we’ve come, it looks good. Things change throughout development, and we hope to be able to release late 2020 or early 2021. Stuff from this post and images may change in future development stages.


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