Joe Hueso… true Self

2 min readMay 16, 2022


By Camilo Martinez P.

Joe: an ordinary man.
Hue: overall character or appearance to the mind.
So: to such a great extent.

True To Yourself. — Joe Hueso Digital Arwork By Camilo Martinez P.

Joe Hueso is an Original Character By American Artist Camilo Martinez P. (funkydisonante) from collections:

  • Bones and Saints, 2020
  • The tales of Joe Hueso, 2021
An Unexpected visit. The muse. By Camilo Martinez — Tales of Joe Hueso Collection. — 2021

Joe Hueso’s

Joe Hueso was a regular Joe, like any other bone. Growing up he dreamed of a life as a Jazz Musician, filled with passion and love.

Shy to show it, started an underground jazz band while spending his free time pain-ting his images of a most desirable future.

Eventually, the hard work and grind paid off and was able to work on his dream for many years.

Not knowing at the time that the journey of working on his dreams was the reward, he keep looking for a bigger and more challenging adventure…

In this Race, Joe found himself on a corporate Job, feeling burnout in a dead end-leadership role. The years went by and Joe’s health started deteriorating for no medical reason.

Joe went to many specialists, and did many medical procedures, trying to get better. But this only alleviated the pain temporarily and left him unmotivated and brokenhearted

One day decided to work on something of his own.

Started to wear his old Jazz outfits, and tuned his old blue Piano, and the music started to flow right away. Slowly his heart began to open, and the pain dissipated.

Joe Quit his job and started a new chapter in his life, this time being true to himself, standing out from the crowd, and sharing his true self and message of love and mental health awareness to the world.

With his tales, Joe Hueso shares his heart and music sending hope to all the other lonely bones into a mind-full Joe Hue-So lifestyle.

Tales of Joe Hueso
By Colombian American Artist Camilo Martinez Puche
Art Exhibition — June 17, 2022
The Tank Brewing Co.

More info at my studio Webpage.
Funkydisonante Studio +




Camilo Martinez is a Colombian -American Contemporary Artist based in Miami ,Fl. Part of the Colombian Rock scene for 20+ years Banda Rocksito, Los de Adentro+