“Can AI Replace Humans? An Experiment with ChatGPT in Job Interviews”

4 min readJul 30, 2023


These days, I often find myself pondering the question, “Can AI replace humans?” We’ve already seen AI publish blog posts, generate images, write articles, and even draft academic papers. But can AI replace the human touch in tasks like job interviews? I decided to put this to the test using ChatGPT.

When using ChatGPT, it’s crucial to provide a detailed context and assign a role. I began by setting the scene for ChatGPT.

I created a hypothetical company and situation and asked questions accordingly.

Materials needed: ChatGPT, DeePL (translation tool)

You are the HR manager of MyMyLanguage, a global company that creates AI language learning apps. Our company has 100,000 paid members worldwide, and we have recently developed a conversational language learning app similar to ChatGPT. We are looking to hire a marketer who can promote this app. I am a candidate applying for this position. You will conduct an interview with me. Please think about the essentials for this job and ask me a total of three questions. You can ask follow-up questions based on my answers, but only once. Please ask one question at a time, and after the entire interview is completed, please score me (out of 10) and let me know what I lack based on my answers.

ChatGPT was more than happy to oblige. The interview began with the first question.

  1. Could you tell me about a successful marketing campaign you led or participated in the past? What was your role in the campaign, and what factors contributed to its success?
  2. How do you keep up with the latest marketing trends and technologies, and how do you decide which technologies to implement in your strategy?
  3. How do you measure the success of a marketing campaign, and what indicators do you primarily use when evaluating performance?

I had to remind ChatGPT to ask one question at a time, and the interview proceeded. The questions from ChatGPT are marked in green, and my answers are marked in red.

“Could you tell me about a successful marketing campaign you led or participated in the past? What was your role in the campaign, and what factors contributed to its success?”

“In college, I participated in a marketing competition for Fast Motors’ new electric car with my friends. We created a slogan, “Runs even when struck by lightning,” highlighting the car’s ability to travel 500 kilometers on a single charge. We won the competition. I was in charge of the project group.”

“That’s impressive! How did you come up with the slogan ‘Runs even when struck by lightning,’ and how did you use it in the campaign?”

“I thought of Thor from Avengers: Infinity War.”

“Interesting! How did you use this slogan in the campaign? Did you use it in specific materials like advertisements or social media posts? And did you measure the success of the campaign using this slogan and verify an increase in interest in electric cars?”

“We used the slogan in Instagram marketing with a picture of a car running on the road and lightning striking behind it. I saw an article that sales increased by 20% compared to the previous month. I was a participant in the competition, not a company employee, so I don’t know the internal details.”

After this answer, ChatGPT evaluated me and told me what I lacked.

“Thank you for your answer. Based on your experience in the marketing competition and your answers to the questions, I would like to give you 7 out of 10 points. You have some marketing experience and have shown that you have successfully led a campaign in the past. However, it would have been helpful if you had more detailed information about the campaign and the specific strategies you used to lead the campaign successfully.

The areas for improvement are a deeper understanding of how to measure the success of a marketing campaign and the various indicators that can be used to evaluate performance. It would also be helpful to clearly understand how to keep up with the latest marketing trends and technologies and how to make informed decisions about implementing technologies in the strategy.”

Although I asked for three questions and an additional question for each, the interview ended with one question and two additional questions due to a possible translation error.

I am sure that AI can shorten certain human processes. However, my conclusion is that AI cannot replace the subtle differences that require human touch.

While thinking about this, I asked a question.

“Can the interview method we just went through be applied in companies right now?”

As an AI language model, I don’t have specific knowledge of a particular company’s hiring practices. However, this type of interview format, where the interviewer asks a series of questions to evaluate the candidate’s skills, experience, and qualifications, is a common approach used in many organizations’ hiring processes. Through this, the interviewer can better understand the candidate’s background and determine whether the candidate is suitable for the job.

This experiment was an interesting exploration of the capabilities and limitations of AI in human-centric tasks. While AI can perform many tasks efficiently and accurately, it still has a long way to go in completely replacing the human touch. But who knows what the future holds? As AI continues to evolve, the line between human and machine may become increasingly blurred.




The CEO of Learn Today in South Korea, a prolific digital creator, efficiently accomplishing a multitude of tasks within tight deadlines.