Reconnect with old hobbies in 6 great ways
3 min readSep 24, 2021

It is not uncommon to lose touch with your hobbies. As life goes on, hobbies often fade into the background for many people. Responsibilities keep increasing and our schedules are always cramped up with things we need to take care of and hobbies keep taking a backseat. It is hardly a surprise then that so many of us lose touch with our hobbies. But if you are someone who is looking to reconnect with your hobbies, then here’s how you can do it:

1. Remember what you loved about your hobby:

Remembering why you used to enjoy your hobby or how pursuing your passions made you feel will keep you motivated to go after it. Use it as a reminder of why you are trying to reconnect with that hobby. This will provide your mind with a powerful incentive and help you maintain your efforts in rediscovering it.

2. Identify the reasons you lost touch with your hobby:

There are plenty of reasons that you might have lost touch with your hobby. Maybe your schedule kept getting busier and busier every day with work, studies, household work or children. If you have now decided to pursue your lost passions again, prioritize them and make time for them in your schedule.

You have to identify the reason why you gave up on your hobby and slowly eliminate it as much as possible. If you found it boring to pursue them after a while, try finding ways to make it interesting by setting challenges, participating in competitions or mixing them up with other hobbies. If social media and binge-watching series took their place then set your daily screen limit and stick to it.

3. Take small steps toward it:

Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to do too much at once as that might leave you discouraged. It is possible that you gave up on your hobby because you were too mentally preoccupied, anxious or depressed to think about anything at all, much less pursue a hobby. If you are ready to reconnect with your hobby, take small steps towards it and see what works for you. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

Plus, this will allow you to build up your skills again and work them into your schedule slowly.

4. Keep reasonable expectations:

Practice is the key to getting better at anything. Chances are that if you let go of your hobbies, your skills might have gotten a little patchy with time. The more you don’t use a muscle, the weaker it gets and the same is true for your hobbies as well. You will need to give yourself time and polish your skills again to get better at your hobby again. Don’t lose hope and set reasonable standards that can help you stay enthusiastic without losing hope.

5. Find a hobby buddy:

Finding someone who can pursue a hobby with you could make it easier for you to stay consistent at it. It could also make the hobby more fun and exciting and you get to share your hobby with someone you love. You could challenge each other and help each other stay motivated.

6. Don’t be scared of criticism:

If you are trying to reconnect with your hobby, don’t let the weight of other’s expectations, judgment or criticism stop you. This is something you are doing for yourself because it makes you immensely happy. Focus on your needs, your dreams and your happiness.

It is also completely natural for you to grow out of things, interests and hobbies. Feel free to pick up a new hobby if you have worn out your old hobbies. On the other hand, if you do miss your old hobbies and want to pursue them again, it is always a great time to reconnect with them.

Are there any hobbies from your childhood that you miss?


