Sampling Techniques for Time Series Data Analysis

5 min readAug 3, 2023


Photo by Agê Barros on Unsplash

Random Sampling

When working with time series data in business analytics, it is crucial to have a representative sample that accurately reflects the patterns and trends in the entire dataset. One commonly used sampling technique is random sampling.

🎯 Why is random sampling important?

Random sampling involves selecting data points from the time series dataset in a completely random manner. This technique ensures that each data point has an equal chance of being selected, reducing bias and providing a representative sample.

🔎 How does Sampling Techniques for Time Series Data Analysis work?

Let’s say you have a large dataset of daily sales data for the past year. To perform random sampling, you would randomly select a specific number of data points from the dataset. For example, you might choose to select 100 random data points from the entire dataset.

The Python programming language provides several libraries and functions that make random sampling a breeze. One such library is the random module, which includes the sample() function. This function allows you to randomly select a specified number of elements from a given sequence.

Here’s an example of how you can use the random.sample() function in Python to perform random sampling on a time series dataset:

import random
# Assuming you have a time series dataset stored in a list called 'time_series_data'
sample_size = 100
random_sample = random.sample(time_series_data, sample_size)

In the code snippet above, the random.sample() function takes two arguments: the dataset (time_series_data) and the desired sample size (sample_size). It returns a new list containing the randomly selected data points.

🚀 Real-world example

Imagine you work for an e-commerce company and want to analyze the daily website traffic over the past year. By using random sampling, you can select a representative sample of daily traffic data and analyze it to gain insights into customer behavior, peak traffic times, and other important metrics.

Random sampling ensures that each day has an equal chance of being included in the sample, providing an unbiased representation of the entire dataset.

📝 Note for Python coders

To perform random sampling in Python, you need to have a basic understanding of lists and the random module. Make sure you are comfortable with importing modules and using functions like random.sample() to select random elements from a list.

Remember, random sampling is just one of the sampling techniques used in data analysis. In the next pages, we will explore other sampling methods such as stratified sampling, systematic sampling, cluster sampling, purposive sampling, and snowball sampling.

Stratified Sampling

In the world of data analysis, one of the most common challenges is dealing with large datasets. Time series data, in particular, can be quite extensive, making it difficult to analyze the entire dataset. This is where sampling techniques come in handy. Sampling allows us to select a subset of the data that represents the whole dataset accurately. One such technique is stratified sampling.

What is Stratified Sampling?

Stratified sampling is a technique used to divide a population into distinct subgroups, or strata, based on certain characteristics. Each subgroup is then sampled independently, ensuring that the sample is representative of the entire population. This technique is especially useful when the population has significant variations or when certain subgroups are of particular interest.

How does Stratified Sampling work?

Let’s say you are analyzing the sales data of a retail company over the past year. The dataset consists of sales figures from different regions, such as North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Instead of randomly selecting a sample, you can use stratified sampling to ensure that your sample includes representatives from each region.

To perform stratified sampling, you would follow these steps:

  1. Identify the relevant characteristics or attributes that define the subgroups (strata). In this case, the region is the attribute.
  2. Divide the population into distinct subgroups based on the identified attributes. Each subgroup should be mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive.
  3. Determine the sample size for each subgroup based on its proportion in the population. For example, if North America represents 40% of the total sales, you might allocate 40% of your sample to this subgroup.
  4. Randomly select observations from each subgroup until the desired sample size is reached.

By using stratified sampling, you ensure that your sample includes representatives from each region, providing a more accurate representation of the entire population.

Python Implementation

To implement stratified sampling in Python, you can use the stratified function from the sklearn.model_selection module. This function takes the feature values and the target variable as inputs and returns the stratified sample.

Here’s an example:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# Assuming 'X' is the feature matrix and 'y' is the target variable
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, stratify=y)

In the above code, X represents the feature matrix, y represents the target variable, and test_size=0.2 indicates that 20% of the data will be used for testing. The stratify=y parameter ensures that the stratified sampling technique is applied based on the target variable.

Best Practices for Data Normalization Without Coding

Data normalization is a crucial process in business analytics to ensure the quality and reliability of your data. However, if you’re not familiar with Python or any other programming language, you might be wondering how you can normalize your data. Don’t worry! 🙌 There are AI tools available that can help you with data normalization without needing to code.

DataMotto: Your AI Assistant for Data Normalization

One such tool is DataMotto, an AI notebook that can handle data normalization using different techniques. With DataMotto, you don’t need to worry about the technicalities. It’s as simple as uploading your data and letting the AI do its magic! 🧙‍♂️

DataMotto not only normalizes your data but also provides you with an easy-to-understand report of the process. This way, you can learn about what’s happening with your data even if you’re not the one doing the coding.

Check out the Sampling Techniques for Time Series Data Analysis to read the full course




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