Simplifying Your Digital World: A Journey from Chaos to Serenity

I’m More Productive Than Ever Since I Did This

Rhonda Grice
4 min readDec 1, 2023

Working online can be a literal hell if you allow it to get cluttered up with all the “must do” things from writing, making videos, marketing, etc. This is my story (rant).

I am cluttered up to my online neck and have been feeling so overwhelmed that my work isn’t fun anymore!

Today I’m taking my life back and taking a stand against this madness! I’m getting rid of some things, or in some cases, postponing them for a while.

Every morning has been the same for as long as I can remember. I get up, walk to the coffee pot and get myself a cup of Jo, then head to my office to read emails, check stats, etc. I also read post from my favorite authors and watch a few videos.

It’s always been my favorite time of the day, except for my bible study and prayer time, but lately I find myself wasting time getting started. There is so much to do I know it most will never get done, so why try! I know I can’t keep up this pace!



Rhonda Grice

Work from home addict. Love writing about mindset, writing, and solving problems with positive thinking.