How to Master Intentional Time Blocking and Boost Your Productivity by 80%

Rhonda Grice
3 min readJan 5, 2024
Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash

I used to take pride in the fact that I could multi-task better than anyone I knew, but I found out multi-tasking is not always the most efficient way to get things done.

Our brains are not designed to multi-task, according to Sandra Bond Chapman, a professor at the University of Texas. In truth, multitasking can “brain drain” which in turn exhausts the mind. She believes this can lead to an early mental decline.

Photo by Chase Clark on Unsplash

When we focus on one task at a time we meet more of our targets (our to do list and goals) and meet them more efficiently. Blocking out distractions by counteracting the stop-start nature of going from one task to another is a better way of getting things done.

Psychologist Gerald Weinberg says that for each extra task you switch between eats up to 80% of your overall productivity. It’s time to get more productive!

What Is Intentional Time Blocking and How Does it Work?



Rhonda Grice

Work from home addict. Love writing about mindset, writing, and solving problems with positive thinking.