Ancient Indian Medical Science — Content City

Content City
2 min readOct 22, 2018


Whenever the line Indian medicinal science is uttered, we all will automatically start imagining of the two legendary sages ‘MAHARISHI SHUSHRUTA’ & ‘MAHARISHI CHARAKA’ who pioneered the ancient Indian medical science.

Medical is such a vast and widespread field. Nowadays every surgeon, doctor, nurses and any other related to medical field studies tons of stuff before they actually become a professional, as their profession directly affects the lives of people. In present scenario their studies and practice are carried under professionals but sometimes they have to pay a huge amount to get certified as professional.

The medical heritage of India is oldest among all. There are evidences of surgical operations, curing diseases & treatment of broken bones since vedic period. Then in 6th century BC and in 2nd century AD the time came where the two great sages ‘MAHARISHI SHUSHRUTA’ & ‘MAHARISHI CHARAKA’ dominated Indian medicinal science respectively.

Ayurveda is true born of India by the likes of great pioneers and sages like shushruta and charaka.


Maharishi Shushruta was founding father of surgery. He had conducted the variety of complex surgeries such as caesareans, artificial limbs, cataract, urinary stones, fractures, and his specialty was in plastic surgery.


Maharishi Charaka has been crowned as the Father of Medicine. He was a principal contributor to the ancient art and science of Ayurveda. He wrote the well known book ‘Charaka samahita’ which is considered encyclopedia of Ayurveda.

When the science of anatomy was confused with different theories in Europe, Acharya Charak revealed through his genius and enquiries the facts on human anatomy, embryology, pharmacology, blood circulation and diseases like diabetes, tuberculosis, heart disease, etc.



Author — Shubham Panchal

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