How Defence streamlines recruitment in the Digital Age

5 min readNov 7, 2017


To learn more about ideas discussed in the post, listen to InTransition with Pat Duffy.

Marketing has seen a lot of changes over the past 20 years with the introduction of the internet and social media. While we find citizens with the ability to channel their news and information, targeting them is no longer as simple as playing an ad during their favourite television programs or buying a page in the paper.

Effectively using these platforms though can make up for that lack of reach and be more cost-effective while also letting you target more specific audiences. Why spend $1 billion for a time slot on television and hope the right people see it when you could divide that amount into five strands, create content targeting each demographic and then watch as your numbers go up.

When you divide this funding and focus on specific demographics and groups, you’re able to approach the people most suitable for the available position. And as found by Defence Jobs Australia this tactic did wonder to increasing awareness and creating an understanding of the experiences you receive in the Australian Defence Force.

Technology and recruitment — Social media, VR and increased brand awareness

As social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube were beginning to take off, individuals were flocking to these outlets for news, entertainment and information. With a sense of ultimate freedom, as people started to live their lives online and we began to see a decline in TV viewership and sales of real news, this was a problem for marketers and recruiters alike.

In time though these platforms, especially Facebook and YouTube in particular, would show to be quite valuable assets in building brand awareness and providing a marketing toolkit. Unlike spending all that money on a generalised ad on TV and hoping for the best outcome, using Facebook adverts gave you the opportunity to target specific characteristics. Age brackets, interests, level of education, life moments, location and many other targeting tools.

Though time-consuming this results in a higher level of engagement and connecting with people that genuinely could be interested in enlisting. In Defence’s case, they created a number of character sheets to cover their ideal audience. Whether 18 to 24 and fresh out of school or 28 to 36 and looking for a career change that is more challenging; it connects them together.

Once you have an audience engaged, the next step is selling the experience, because let’s face it, isn’t that the point of marketing? Regarding the military, what is the experience you’re trying to display? The trick is to provide information like ‘this is what happens in the Navy and the life you lead’ or ‘here’s what it’s like to fly in a jet over the ocean’. The aim is to give people a taste, a try-before-you-buy sort of deal.

And with that information, the direction technology is going; this is becoming easier than ever. Obviously, you can show footage of these acts in advertisements, but what if you could throw individuals into the middle of the action? Countries like Australia and the USA have been developing VR training courses for soldiers, but we are also starting to see these products hit the consumer market. The aim of this is to build that excitement that will eventually bring them on board.

Testing, testing, one two three

Not only does Facebook and other social platforms allow you to target your ideal audience they also provide very in-depth information. This includes things like when are your followers most active, what interests do they share, how did this post compare to another, where are your top followers based. The list goes on, and taking this information on board provides the opportunity to adjust and tweak when needed, testing what works and what doesn’t is crucial.

As mentioned above, social media did a number on traditional outlets, except in this scenario, as the toolkits that came along provide things we just didn’t have 30 years ago. While I can just look at my analytics today, in the 1980s, 90s and even 00s to do the same thing required testing, research and analysis which were costly to commission.

In the case of Defence, adjusting and readjusting, consistently, was and still is crucial. With the 24-hour news cycle there’s no rest, and by continually watching trends and following relevant information you can keep up, especially if you’re holding over a million followers over your three main accounts. This provides you with the toolkit needed to change, tweak and fine-tune your approach if/when necessary.

Targeting a more diverse military

With the advantages of marketing on social platforms, recruiters can remove themselves from old stigmas regarding the military. Traditionally a lot of people consider the military to be a boy’s club, but as we move forward into a more progressive world, new age marketing provides the tools to move forward towards a more diverse military.

Throughout the 21st century, we have seen significant steps made in how the military can be advertised to a broader audience and countries such as Canada and the UK have taken steps towards creating an inclusive armed forces through legislation. Though this is an excellent first step, how do you break the stigma? Well, through strong targeted campaigning focusing specific groups you can remove such thoughts. For example, Australia and the UK have pages dedicated to displaying life in the military for women and advantages in fitness, equal pay, the opportunities and the growth you can continue to lead once in the military.

What we can take away from Defence Jobs Australia

There is a lot that we can take away from the approach that Defence takes towards recruiting and their online marketing strategy. While social media has taken over the way people communicate and take in information, it also provides the tools needed to reach your desired audiences.

By planning your desired demographics, testing and determining the best way to reach them and creating a higher level of brand awareness, the return from these campaigns is more than just placing an ad on television. If you’re in the process of creating or updating an existing marketing strategy, these tips are crucial to keeping up in the social sphere.

How have you used social marketing in the past?

Originally published at contentgroup.




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