A Snapshot of Millennials & Music Discovery

Digging into 5 behavioral trends to understand how, when, and why millennials discover new music

Libby Koerbel
2 min readMar 7, 2016
Themes and descriptions courtesy of 747 Insights // Icon credit to: Oliviu Stoian, Marek Polakovic, Aha-Soft, Cezary Lopacinski, Bjorn Andersson from the Noun Project

The second phase of my millennial content discovery project is complete! 747 Insights collaborated with me on this project. They shared the five themes listed in the infographic above, which they identified as hallmarks of the Millennial cohort along with insights into how these intersect with music consumption and discovery.

Below is quick recap of my project, for those who don’t already know what it’s all about:

  • I won a scholarship, generously funded by the McCormick Foundation, to fund my studies at Kellogg and a research project on the topic of my choosing (I chose content discovery… read more here on why I think discovery is a critical piece of media’s future)
  • In Phase 1, I gathered input from ~30 leaders in the media industry to refine the focus of my research.
  • In Phase 2, I conducted qualitative research to unlock insights on how millennials are using different sources of information to discover new music and what steps they take to engage further with an artist after the initial discovery. We observed 12 millennials across two focus groups and 4 in their homes (read more on 5 surprising things I learned about new music discovery).
  • In Phase 3, I will be running a nationally representative survey to identify different discovery “personas.” Identifying these personas will help music makers to better understand how to attract new fans, while informing digital music platforms how to better meet the discovery needs of consumers.
  • The project will be wrapping up in May. Make sure to follow me on Medium @contentjungle, Twitter or LinkedIn for updates along the way!

Libby Koerbel loves to analyze ambiguous questions, listen to live music, and meet new people. She is an expert strategist with experience at the Boston Consulting Group, Pandora, Universal Music Group, Muzooka, and Pritzker Group Venture Capital. She is currently a MBA student at the Kellogg School of Management.

This post is a part of a series on how millennials discover content. Read more on: framing uncertainty, curation wars, music tastes, sticky subscription models, and abundance.

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