ContentsDeal FAQ 2 : Team & Roadmap


The DEAL’s 3rd Pre-Sale will begin on Nov. 10th 2018!

Dear ContentsDeal supporters,
A lot of you have asked questions about our team and the roadmap, so we thought we’d put up an FAQ to help out.

We hope this list is useful and please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always here to help!

Q1. What about the ContentsDeal team? How are the teams and team members structured?

There is a team named ICONIC SOUNDS which will provide music contents.
There is also a team named COMICA which will provide webtoon contents.
SUNJESOFT and HOA Soft teams are available for technical support in terms of exchange technology.
There is a KSTARGROUP team to support the blockchain technology that will be used by the content exchange.

Q2. Let me know the partners of ContentsDeal.

The partners of ContentsDeal are ‘KOREA MANAGEMENT FEDERATION, KSTARPAY, KSTARMUSIC, and STARENT. Positive negotiation is still ongoing with various contents suppliers.

Q3. What is the relationship between ContentsDeal and KSTARGROUP?

ContentsDeal has signed MOU with KSTARGROUP to ensure smooth supply of Korean cultural contents and support its blockchain technology.

Q4. Is there another advisor’s plan to join?

We are planning to include advisors in relevant areas to provide high-quality limited content to the ContentsDeal platform and strengthen the fields of blockchain.

Q5. Is there a consortium or MOU?



Q1. Where can I find the roadmap?

You can check out the roadmap in the ContentsDeal Introduction and DEAL Whitepaper.

Q2. What is ContentsDeal doing now?

We are making preparations for the opening of the blockchain-based content exchange.

Q3. What is the final goal for ContentsDeal?

ContentsDeal will create a new type of distribution platform that protects copyright holders’ rights and increases the value of content.
Starting with the service opening, we will provide killer contents such as music sources, webtoons, video clips, and pictorial collections, and will showcase differentiated content that has never been before.
ContentsDeal will provide the creator with rights protection and transparent and fair compensation.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to visit the ContentsDeal team through telegram. We will continue to provide updates and progress in the community. Thank you for your interest and participation.

Under the token economy ContentsDeal aims for, participants play multiple roles as investors, distributors and users after they receive rewards from the exchange of blocks.

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Introduction(EN) :
Introduction(KR) :

